Maybe Not So Crazy After All

picture of Teddy bear

picture of baby looking intently

I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the physical plane will have resonances within our own innermost being and reality….
–Joseph Campbell in “The Power of Myth”

Last week I talked about how I stayed up until 3 a.m. taking pictures of my stuffed bear. Even though it seemed a bit crazy at the time, taking the pictures was feeding my soul, so I immersed myself in the process. I now have an idea of why the final picture resonated so deeply. It reminded me of my daughter when she was a newborn. The picture on the left was taken when she was a few months old, but the big eyes and attentive look was the same. And so was the open mouth, as if she were about to say something. I spent a lot of time talking to her when she was little. And even before her eyes could completely focus, she was trying to make that connection. Oh, Lord, that does bring back memories of one of the most profound periods of my life.

She and Torben got married last weekend, and I write a little about the wedding in yesterday’s post at Transforming Stress. I’ll always treasure that time, too. I’ve never been a proud mother, because I’ve never thought of her as “my” daughter. I’ve always thought of her as a separate person that I’ve been privileged to have in my life. It’s an honor to be related to two such wonderful people.

What about you? What touches your heart and stirs your soul? Please share your experiences in the comment section.

Thanks to Shilpan, bikehikebabe, Daz and David for commenting on last week’s post.

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11 Responses to Maybe Not So Crazy After All

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    One of a thousand memories–my youngest going to 1st grade in her “costume” that she put together. Mismatched, with ribbons & maybe bells. She’s a free spirit.

  2. Daz Cox says:

    🙂 I’m not fortunate enough to have a family of my own but I do have a niece and she is very cool!

  3. Jean says:

    🙂 They do change your life, don’t they? I’m happy for you.

  4. Aaaaawwwww!!!

    Jean, that is so sweet and the picture is adorable (OK, both pics 🙂 )

    I like your comment about your daughter not being ‘yours’ – I have told my own beautiful daughter thta she does nto belong to me, and that I am exquisitely grateful she is in my life and I get to share in her growing up…it is such a poignant experience.

    Thanks, Jean, for a lovely post.


  5. P.S. Sorry for the typ-o’s…I was typing fast and didn’t check. BAD.

  6. Jean says:

    🙂 Never worry about typos…I just appreciate your taking the time to comment. It’s great to connect with kindred spirits.

  7. Hi Jean, happy belated mother day for you.
    Congratz for you and your daughter. It must be a relief when your daughter get married.

  8. Jean says:

    Thanks for coming by and for the good wishes. I am curious about the idea of being relieved that my daughter has gotten married. That never occurred to me…I was relaxed either way. Maybe I’m an unusual mother? Thanks for the food for thought. 🙂

  9. Robin says:

    Hi Jean – we love our bears, don’t we!

    re Robert’s comment above – I’ve never been married and didn’t even have a partner until a few years ago, and I’ve always been glad my mother has been totally relaxed about it.

  10. tammy says:

    i followed the link to your other blog and read all about the wedding trip and wedding.
    and to honor the feelings of a little neighbor flower girl on your own very special day, even when you don’t like the hairdo results… well… that’s special. i can see why you like your girl so much. i think sometimes to like someone if even more relative than loving them. blood links love, but liking a person is different.
    your teddy bear and daughter’s baby pictures? perfect.
    tammy j

  11. tammy says:

    i’m like shauna… should be … is… not if!
    typo city.

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