What I Learned About Blogging…From My Granddogs

This month the topic for Robert Hruzek’s group writing project is What I Learned From…Animals. That’s an easy one for me because my two granddogs, Sammy and Banshee, are my role models for blogging. They were taken aback by the size when we gave them two huge bones a couple of years ago, but then they dove right in, had a good time and never looked back.

I thought of them a lot the past two weeks as I made major modifications to my blogging theme. It was a big stretch for me, but I kept my granddogs’ lessons firmly in mind:

  • Don’t be intimidated,
  • Have a good time, and
  • Hang in there.

As you can see, Banshee did a great job with that bone.

It’s been a great two weeks for me, too. I still have some fine tuning to do, but I finished the most important modifications. I also learned a lot…there’s a noticeable increase in my skill level. So thank you, Sammy and Banshee!

What about you? Do you have any role models? Have you tackled any challenges recently? Please share your ideas in the comments section.
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Thanks to bikehikebabe for commenting on last week’s post.

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13 Responses to What I Learned About Blogging…From My Granddogs

  1. Jean,

    I love the new two column design, it feels very refreshing.

    At the moment I am tackling the challenge of looking for a job that I enjoy. It’s hard work filling in application forms and going for interviews, a long way out of my comfort zone.

    Thanks for the reminder to be proactive and positive as I face this challenge.

  2. And the new template for comments is very cool too!

  3. bikehikebabe says:

    I like role models. I use them for inspiring good posture. (I need improvement.)

    Somebody said they disagreed that you can learn something from everybody. How about learning how not to be, from someone you find objectionable. People with very poor posture inspire me too, for that reason.

  4. Jean says:

    🙂 I agree. My father used to say watch what he did and do the opposite.

    Good luck on finding a job you like. That’s so important.

    I get no credit for the new template for comments. I changed the color and size of a couple of fonts, but it came with the Copyblogger theme, the one I ended up modifying. The advice I kept reading was find a theme you more or less like and modify it. I played around with several of them before deciding this was the easiest way to get the clean look I wanted. The comment template was a pleasant surprise.

  5. Jean, thanks for joining us once again! Don’t you just love the single-mindedness of a dog with a big bone? Great lessons, there; thanks for bringing them out for us!

    Nice place you have here, by the way. I like the simpler design – when I went to my new theme, it was so much more relaxing, so I think you’ll like the two-column look.

  6. Pingback: What I Learned About Blogging…From Lab Rats — Transforming Stress Into Personal Power

  7. Pingback: Middle Zone Musings » All Entries - What I Learned From Animals

  8. Audra Krell says:

    This is a really good post. I like your analogy. Right away when you page popped up the first thing I noticed is how fresh and clean your blog looks. Well done!

  9. Pingback: What We've Learned from Animals : HighCallingBlogs.com

  10. Yes, my dog teaches me a lot about determination too. Good lesson.

  11. Jean says:

    Glad you like the new look. I do too! Now I have to figure out how to get rid of the inline styles I’ve added and put all the information in my style sheet. It is nice to have some specific project to work on, though.

    🙂 I love learning from dogs too. At times I really am like a dog gnawing on a bone. It’s nice knowing I’m in good company.

  12. Pingback: What We’ve Learned from Animals : HighCallingBlogs.com

  13. Kaye Swain says:

    Ohhhhh – what cute granddogs! I’ve been blessed with several granddogs as well. They’ve crept into my heart in different ways and each granddog is special. And they often inspire different articles at SandwichINK about granddog ideas.

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