
How did it get to be fall already? Do you ever feel like the dog in the cartoon? It reminds me of one of my favorite jokes: Inside every old person is a young one asking, “What in the heck happened?”

What about the following cartoons, do they resonate with you?


They represent how I often felt when I was younger, but now I try to be like the little boy in this picture. He’s completely immersed in what he’s doing and is oblivious to time. He’s completely present in the moment. That’s where I try to be as much as possible.

What about you? How do you feel about time?


Thanks to Roger, Mike, bikehikebabe, Rummuser and gaelikaa for commenting on last week’s post.
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16 Responses to Time

  1. Looney says:

    I feel there is a fixed amount of time that God has set for me. I should use it constructively.
    .-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.

  2. Evan says:

    I feel quite passive about it. I tend to live without a sense of time – especially when I’m enjoying something.
    .-= Evan´s last blog ..Social Equality and Personal Health =-.

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    TIME is such a funny thing sometimes…

    Some TIMES there is masses of it that is just idling away and other times like the fall leaves/dog it’s fast running away.

    it’s a valuable commodity but how you spend it depends on what you class as the value of it.

    I savour it, especially when I’m pushing uphill and trying fit a zillion little things in the TIME available.

    I told someone today that I didn’t actually get dressed on Saturday, as I didn’t need to go out…and wanted TIME to just do nothing etc. It was like I recharged my TIME batteries 🙂
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..Spring – Sprung where? =-.

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    There isn’t enough time. When I think about how my life is fleeing, I think it would go slower if I stared at the clock. 😉

    All my life I’ve never worn a watch, except when I must, to get there on time.

  5. suzen says:

    There are times I think “Where did the go?” but I am enjoying every minute I have and don’t think of it as a negative – it just is what it is.
    .-= suzen´s last blog ..Be Happy! A Good Choice! =-.

  6. Rummuser says:

    “Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.”

    Art Buchwald.

    I am like the old lady in Northcote Parkinson’s book -Parkinson’s Law: The Pursuit of Progress, who takes the whole day to write a post card and post it. NP could well have had me in his mind when he came up with his law – ‘WORK EXPANDS SO AS TO FILL THE TIME AVAILABLE FOR ITS COMPLETION’
    I have got plenty of time. In fact that is the only thing I have plenty of.
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Vijayadasami / Dussera =-.

  7. Jean says:

    I love not having to watch the clock. I sometimes actively make sure that happens…its too precious for me to leave it to chance. 😉

    Good for you for recognizing it’s healthy to recharge your batteries.

    When I was working I used to complain to my boss that the clocks went too fast. Now it doesn’t matter.

    I agree..when we’re enjoying ourselves time is bound to go fast, and that’s just fine.

    I love the Buchwald quote. It sounds to me as if you’re living a rich life.

  8. Cathy in NZ says:

    I haven’t much worn a watch either. Before I had turned 30 I had broken so many it was a case of stopping.


    my brother, decided I needed a digital sort and the damn thing never broke though it was very difficult to put forward/put back for daylight saving. The manual was about 3x the size of the watch. When my brother died I decided I didn’t need to wear it anymore…as he wouldn’t be forever asking me ‘how is my watch?’

    now I relie on my cellphone which kindly has a time looking at me all day long…when I find it in the bottom of my bag!

    For 2-day time is short…I just found something very interesting that i should put in my essay that is due tomorrow BUT I will need to decide what I can delete as I am already at the 10% over the 2000 words 🙂
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..Spring – Sprung where? =-.

  9. Grannymar says:

    What is TIME? I used to worry about the What if’s? Then I realised how much time I wasted on what might never happen, so now I live for this moment, after all none of us are promised tomorrow. If you knew today was your last, would you waste time worrying about the future?
    .-= Grannymar´s last blog ..My thoughts for today =-.

    • Jean says:

      I wear a small pedometer on my waist. It’s rugged and doesn’t get in my way. I seldom look at the steps I take, but I can easily see the time if I need to. I love it.

      Amen to that!

  10. Grannymar says:

    Jean, Elly bought me a digital pedometer to record my steps and help me reach new targets each day. Alas I am so slow it does not register my steps. She reset it and George my son-in-law wore it yesterday and it works fine! 🙁
    .-= Grannymar´s last blog ..My thoughts for today =-.

    • Jean says:

      Thanks for the laugh. 🙂 In fact, my pedometer doesn’t do very well either. It may overcount a bit when I bounce on my jogging trampoline but scarcely registers anything when I use my treadmill. I don’t pay much attention to the steps but love it as a timepiece that stays out of my way.

  11. gaelikaa says:

    Time flies. That’s all I know!
    .-= gaelikaa´s last blog ..The Beautician in the Kitchen! =-.

  12. bikehikebabe says:

    gaelikaa, your beautican in kitchen is very good – & funny.

    living in india with irish skin, the only beauty creams you need are SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN—& a wide brimmed hat.

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