Sniffing Around

One reason dogs are my role models is because they know how to enjoy themselves. They don’t worry about wasting time. They also like to explore, sniff around and follow their noses. I do too, albeit in my own way.

A simple example…. this past week I read the following quote on one of my favorite blogs:

Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

I’ve pretty much always believed that, but the quote had no attribution and it sounded vaguely familiar. So I Googled it and discovered it was written by Robert Brault 25 years ago and, as he says in a blog post,

[It] is one of the most quoted lines of the past 25 years. In several slight variations, it appears over a million times on the internet. It is quoted on more internet sites than any of the Ten Commandments and almost as many times as The Golden Rule. It has been used on calendars, greeting cards, stationery, t-shirts and novelty items of every sort. It has been the motto of at least two high school graduating classes.

I didn’t know that! Anyway, I’ve now added Brault to the list of blogs I read and also went to a site that has 294 of his quotes. I will only include one of them here:

As to the Seven Deadly Sins, I deplore Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy and Greed. Gluttony and Sloth I pretty much plan my day around.

I’m not a big one for gluttony, mostly I choose foods that will keep me healthy and feeling good. But the bit about Sloth resonated. Yes! That’s me. I plan my life around Sloth. In fact, the Sloth is another of my role models and I think of him whenever there’s social pressure to do more than I’m doing.

closeup of sloth
Mr. Sardonicus. Used with permission. Owner reserves all rights.

What about you? Do you have any role models? Do you ever just “sniff around” and explore?

Thanks to Mike, Rummuser, Evan, bikehikebabe, tammy, Cathy and nick for commenting on last week’s post.
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24 Responses to Sniffing Around

  1. nick says:

    A British cabinet minister once came out in favour of slothful people as being more productive – they always looked for the most efficient way of doing things to avoid too much effort.

    I’m all for sloth, both for that reason and because lying fallow for a bit allows interesting thoughts and ideas to bubble up from the unconscious.

  2. Mike says:

    No real role models. Yes, I do stiff around and explore. For instance, on my civil war blog, Daily Observations from The Civil War — — I like to have an image for each of the writers or sources that I use. On three of them I’ve had great difficulty in finding one that I like, so I keep searching for something that fits. So far, I’ve found 2 that fit well. On the other, I’ve got an image that’s “good enuf,” for now. 😉

  3. Rummuser says:

    Once, many moons ago, I had a role model. He taught me how to train trainers. After using his style for a while, I knew that I had to be more natural and myself and I dropped that notion. Subsequently, I had to become a role model and I believe that I succeeded in that endeavour. Now, I am neither a role model nor model myself after another. But, I like the idea of using animals as role models. I would not like to model after a dog. I leave it to your imagination to come up with what I would like to use as a role model!

  4. Looney says:

    Sign me up for the glutton … the sloth goes on the grill.

    My pattern on handling quotes has mostly been to seek out the article or work that it came from and read it through completely. The context often completely changes the meaning. But sometimes this is too much trouble and I relax into the sloth mode.

  5. bikehikebabe says:

    You Jean, are my role model. But I fight sloth. As you get older you have less energy, lose muscle tone & sloth doesn’t help. Jean, tell them about the other side of you–the exercise side. I guess you have already.

  6. Ursula says:

    Hallelujah: The recently elusive BHB has come out of the broom cupboard and joined the living dead once more.

    Jean, admit it: You are now doing all this quoting on purpose, aren’t you? To torment me. Where have I been in recent years? That Brault “quote” has bypassed me. Which is just as well.

    Role model? No, I don’t have one. I am happy to be myself.

    If pushed and I had to be an animal I’d probably choose to be either a wolf, or an eagle, or a heron. I love both wolves and herons. And I mean TRULY love. Eagles soar; which – considering my fear of heights – could be just the challenge I need. Do birds have a sense of smell? Hope not. I don’t like smells. So, no sniffing for me.

    Off to explore, yours,

  7. bikehikebabe says:

    As usual, your comments are most amusing & clever.

    Birds don’t have protruding noses so I doubt that they smell-much.

    My foodnerd leader’s daughter is named Eagle-on her birth certificate. Her brothers are Bear, Wind, Mountain, & Timo. No nicknames.

  8. Evan says:

    Things seem to go much better for me when I just follow my nose. Sloth I think can sometimes be re- named wisdom. I confess to enjoying lust on occasion also.

  9. Jean says:

    I agree with both you and the cabinet minister. 🙂

    I often spend more time looking for or drawing a picture than I do writing a post, so I know what you mean.

    I have a gazillion role models and don’t rely on just one. I like having choices.

    Barbequed sloth. Poor baby! 😀

    I use quotes to stimulate my thinking. I like them because they’re concise, so mostly I’m not tempted to read the original piece. Being self-centered, I’m more interested in my own reaction.

    So you think you’re fairly static, not an ever-changing organism who has some say over the direction the changes take place? I’m happy being myself too, but my motto is

    Stay curious and open to life. No matter what happens keep learning and growing. Find what you love to do and find a way to share it with others.

    I’m including that quote just for you. The quotes in the post weren’t aimed at you, but I don’t object if they get a rise out of you. 🙂 It’s all in good fun.

    Apparently some species of birds do have a good sense of smell, especially kiwis.

    Do other kids tease the kids about their names? As I understand it they’re home schooled, but do they play with other children?

    I agree with Ursula, thanks for taking the time to comment.

  10. Jean says:

    Ah, yes exercise. Sarcopenia is best avoided as much as possible. I don’t use the Sloth as my role model there. I figure “if it’s not fun it doesn’t count” so think of little kids or Montana, my new granddog, running around for the sheer joy of it. I’m not quite that lively, but I watch Netflix while I exercise and have a great time.

  11. bikehikebabe says:

    Bear, Wind, Mountain, Eagle’s friends are also home schooled. Home schooled children are usually religious. So I doubt that they get teased because of their names.

  12. cathy in NZ says:

    the newsfront in NZ isn’t all that happy right now…but yesterday or maybe the day before – the discovered on a coast far from its usual habitat as

    an Emperor Penguin – who has been lounging around on a beach which is something they rarely do because sand is not their usual carpet…they don’t know why he has arrived. They believed he would have left the ice continent in the South in Feb and it has taken him this long to get up here!

    Apparently, he hasn’t made any attempts to get back into the sea even when the tide has reached him, but stands around looking very regal but completely out of place 🙂

    Is he an explorer for his tribe and has gotten off the track and fallen into a maze or is this something they all do when it is the end of their life…

    I think I’m an explorer and wanderer who takes up with something worthwhile, maybe for a few years or decades and then suddenly decides to explore another quite different avenue 🙂

  13. bikehikebabe says:

    Emperor Penguin in NZ–truly amazing!

  14. Jean says:


    I think I’m an explorer and wanderer who takes up with something worthwhile, maybe for a few years or decades and then suddenly decides to explore another quite different avenue 🙂

    I can relate to that! 😀

    Thanks for the link to the penguin video. I agree with BHB. That’s amazing!

  15. tammy says:

    i think my role model has always been a fictional character, tho based on his aunt in real life . . . auntie mame.
    i love her quote . . . “life is a banquet. and most poor suckers are starving to death!” not meaning foodies of course… but as enjoying everything about our life, day to day. at least that’s how i took it and what i do. how anyone could ever be bored is beyond me… but i think i’ve said that before.
    i just love little sloths. and i’m proud to be one! they’re vegan too!
    another great post by the cheerful little monk.
    thanks for the robert brault link!
    cheers and hugs,
    tammy j

  16. Cathy in NZ says:

    the Emperor Penguin is in a bit of trouble, health-wise…
    there are some funny comments at the bottom of the news article – one arguing he was on his way to see the Rugby World Cup 🙂

  17. Jean says:

    I was impressed by Auntie Mame too. I saw the movie first and then read the book. They both lifted my spirits but I can’t quite picture me being that flamboyant. 😀

    Thanks for the new link. Poor thing! But I suppose it’s not that surprising, since it’s way out of its habitat.

  18. tammy says:

    i had to re-visit and make one more comment on the role model…
    in my library i keep the small volumes of thich nhat hanh, the vietnamese monk. i simply love this simple, loving man. he is also one of my role models. and oddly enuf, he and auntie mame are similar in many ways! he has her joy of living, (without the cocktails!) and like her, he doesn’t worry about tomorrow. he sees each day as a glorious gift. that is how they have both helped me. i was a worrier. and i have finally realized, that is not the way i want to live my life.
    again, i love your blog, cheerful monk. you no doubt are a role model yourself, for many.
    tammy j
    ps… each morning now, am re-reading ‘peace is every step.’
    such a lovely way to start the day. i read one passage and then sit quietly, non-thinking.

  19. bikehikebabe says:

    Dear Tammy, Suddenly you appear here with your good observations. Now we wonder about you. Where do you live?

  20. tammy says:

    isn’t the blogland wonderful? new friends, sharing lives, and fun! i’m trying to get the courage to try my own… new to the compooter and how it all works tho.
    i live in what’s affectionately known as the heartland… at least it was coined that when the bomb went off in okc.
    i am a sea lover (grew up near the st lawrence and other cooler places) but married an oklahoma boy that wouldn’t leave! as i write this it’s only going to be 103 or 104 (what’s one degree in that kinda heat?) and the hot prairie wind is blowing about 35 mph, gusts 45 to 50. i’ve taken up too much of the little cheerful monk’s space here. thanks for asking!!!
    tammy j

  21. bikehikebabe says:

    ” i’ve taken up too much of the little cheerful monk’s space here. thanks for asking!!!
    tammy j”

    Don’t you know that there’s never “too little space”. Cyberspace is endless!

  22. tammy says:

    thanks bhb and cm… new concepts for me, this cyberspace.
    notice big smile.

  23. Jean says:

    I love your comments. I love to hear details about other people’s lives. Thank you! 😀

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