Moving Right Along

The big news here is still the fire, of course. The above picture of a neighbor’s property was taken by one of the firefighters. We still haven’t been able to go up there because the fire is still only about 45% contained.

Officials did escort owners up to see their property on July 5th, but we were still on our way back from California. One of our neighbors took this picture that he says is of the remains of our house. We’re not so sure, but it does show some of the devastation up there.

But even though we still haven’t seen the remains, the insurance company has contacted us and wants us to start itemizing our losses. One of their representatives is coming up at 8:30 tomorrow morning to talk to us. So there is no lack of things to do. The letter they sent says we need to get detailed estimates of the cost of repairs within 60 days of submitting a claim. That should be interesting. Whatever. At the moment I’m really tired and am happy to take one step at a time.

What about you? How much energy do you have at the moment? What are you spending it on?

Thanks to Mike, Rummuser, Evan, Looney, Ursula, bikehikebabe, tammy and Cathy for commenting on last week’s post.
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10 Responses to Moving Right Along

  1. tammy says:

    that is so sad to look at. i’m a child turned grownup tree hugger. have always revered trees. the oxygen givers and noble beings of this planet…
    i’m still dealing with the insurance folks on my damages from the tornado/golf-tennis ball hail storm from last month. still have the blue tarp all over the roof.
    they told me yesterday that they wouldn’t be giving me all the funds necessary for the fences and roof and other damage … due to “depreciation.” but if i pay for it and then let them know, they’ll send another check.
    not sure how all this works… never had to do it before… but i do have a question… each year my liability amount has been raised so it would be covered, should anything happen…
    i’ve never been late with a pmt in over 13 years… and now they can’t send enough to cover the damage???????
    who’s kidding whom here.
    i think i want a room in a lovely hotel with room service. in a perfect climate of course. with a pool, so i can stay in shape. and a view of the sea or mountains or something besides other houses that also have blue tarp. LOL.
    i wish you the best in dealing with your insurance people.
    am thinking they rank right up there with the big pharmaceutical companies.
    cheers and hugs to you,
    tammy j

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    I have a lot more energy right now. I was getting up twice a night. First to take my thyroid pill (low dose) 8 hrs. after eating. Then to take off my contacts. I’m suppose to keep them on as long as possible so my corneas don’t change shape. (Is this too much info?)

    With all the company for 3 + weeks I thought what the ….. & I’m doing all that before I go to bed. One sleeps well without interruptions. Three guests are Swedes with their time difference so we go to bed late anyway. Hope this makes sense.

  3. bikehikebabe says:

    Tammy, good luck with the insurance people. They can be very sneaky with their dodges & their promises.

  4. tammy says:

    smile. not too much info at all! my best friend in high school was swedish. lovely country. lovely people.

  5. Mike says:

    Not much energy — hiding inside from the heat and humidity. Got up to 102°, with 110°heat index. Went outside for 5 minutes as the sun was nearing the horizon to help Karen with some soaker hoses. Three mosquito bites are now itching like crazy.

  6. Lea G says:

    i feel sad for the property owners. it’s not easy to have a home been burned. especially if you have lived all your life in that house.

  7. Jean says:

    That seems to be what our contract says, that they will pay the depreciated value of items and pay the replacement costs when/if the work is finished.

    We had better luck than that when our car was damaged by hail a couple of years ago. They gave us a list of businesses that would do the work, so all we had to do was pay the business our deductible and the insurance company paid the rest. We’re not expecting it will be that simple this time. My cousin warned us to be careful. In his case he had some tools stolen and they told him they were covered so he bought new ones. Then they declared him to be a professional carpenter, which he is not, so the tools weren’t covered. He kept resubmitting the claim until they paid.

    I agree with tammy, that was not too much information…it was interesting. I’m glad you’re sleeping better.

    I tend to hide from the heat too, and it doesn’t get nearly as bad here. Our problem recently has been not being able to open our windows at night to bring in fresh cool air. It’s been too smoky. But that won’t last forever.

    For the most part the people up there have built their homes, often doing a lot of the work themselves. It’s still heartbreaking.

  8. Ursula says:

    House burnt down, Jean? Pinch yourself and wake up. Not necessarily in that order.

    Thanks for reminding me to reinstall home contents insurance. Though that which is most valuable to me – should it be destroyed by fire, water or burglary – never replaceable anyway. Can’t bear thinking about it.

    Energy? Yes,I do have plenty. Don’t know what to do with it. All rather unfocussed. I wake up with a pounding heart at 3 am. Look at my many lists – as if I didn’t have it all in my head anyway and think to myself: TODAY IS ANOTHER DAY. And so it is, till you hit the evening.

    Good luck with your inventory (that’s the one thing I have in place – even if only to remind myself not buy yet another sieve or can opener). Be patient with the insurance people: There are few jobs more boring than sifting through the debris of other people’s lives and putting a value to them.

    As ever, most affectionately,

  9. bikehikebabe says:

    “House burnt down, Jean? Pinch yourself and wake up. Not necessarily in that order.”

    That house was never meant to be lived in. It was Andy’s project. ( I love to speak for Jean. I tell all the nitty gritty facts.)

  10. Jean says:

    How dumb would that be? At the moment one of my top priorities is getting caught up on my sleep. That and eating well and getting exercise. That works for me.

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