Playing Around, Learning a Lot

The quality of our lives depends on how we focus our energy and our attention.
Traits of Stress-Hearty, Resilient People

The past couple of days have been very low energy for me again, but my attention span has been doing just fine. I’ve been pondering my daughter’s statement that I might like the iPad better than my iPod. In fact I love my iPod, even though I don’t use it all the time. It’s great for checking the weather and its calculator is useful when Andy and I go to the store. I love the feel of it in my hand and the fact it’s small enough to easily fit into my pocket.

I did decide I would use it more for shopping lists if I bought myself a stylus. So I ordered a three-pack, and they do make texting a lot easier for me. And once I had a stylus I decided to see how the drawing app SketchBook works. I had already been looking into the program just in case I ever get an iPad, and have tried it on my Mac. It’s very intuitive and might be fun to use for general sketching/scribbling. So for $1.99 I bought the iPod version and checked it out:

It’s clearly more than adequate for my level of expertise. πŸ˜€

The only problem is I prefer using a stylus instead of my finger (Steve Jobs hated styli and didn’t want people to use them) and as you can see from the pictures of the three styli above, the pink one is already worn down after only one session of scribbling yesterday afternoon. So I spent some time trying to find a stylus that has a longer tip life. There may be one type, the Nomad brush, that works for sketching and has a longer life, but I’ll have to see when it comes. In the meantime I found some videos showing how one can make one’s own stylus. I tried a couple of ideas, but they were slightly less than perfect. So if Nomad doesn’t come through I may have to get used to doing things Steve’s way—using my finger—or else simply go back to pencil and paper. That should work too. πŸ™‚

At any rate, the subject has kept me amused the past couple of days, and that’s not to be sneezed at.

What have you been up to?

Thanks to Maria, Cathy, bikehikebabe and Rummuser for commenting on last week’s post.
This entry was posted in Life As a Shared Adventure, Lifelong Learning, Living Fully. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Playing Around, Learning a Lot

  1. Rummuser says:

    I have been cooking in the absence of our help!

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    “At any rate, the subject has kept me amused and that’s not to be sneezed at.”

    I don’t understand all this tech stuff but **YOU** are keeping me amused & that’s not to be sneezed at.

    P.S. Where did your help go Rummuser?

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    Well there you go I didn’t even know that an iPod could do such things. I’m not completely up with this new technology at all and until something breaks or it seems that I should desperately change anything I probably won’t…

    I just changed to Chrome and it is somewhat easier although sometimes not.

    I do have a laptop which now is classed as bad as it’s too heavy but I don’t see me changing any-time soon…unless needs change! I love my laptop, as my home has a wireless system; I’m typing on it now and I’m on my bed! My desktop with additional stuff is another room…minding it’s own business πŸ™‚

    I on the other hand “doing right now” is trying to grapple with the fact that it appears (and it can be changed) that I’m on the wrong programme at Uni!! A chance remark mid-week led to finding this out…hopefully at the end of the coming week, I will be on the right programme but in different classes…

    If not, I will have to leave because I don’t want to be doing these lower level papers. If that happens I will evaluate where I should now go with using my brain cells. Better to find out now that 1/2 way through…

  4. Evan says:

    This week just getting things settled down after my dad’s return home from hospital

  5. Jean says:

    Andy and I have simple meals, so cooking doesn’t take much of my time at all. What sort of things are you/have you been cooking?

    Glad to hear I’m not completely boring you. πŸ˜€

    The woman who usually cooks for Ramana and his family had to take time off because her daughter-in-law had a baby.

    Thanks for mentioning Chrome. I’m starting to look at reviews and apparently it has some good features.

    We don’t worry much about how much our laptops weigh because we seldom take them traveling. I actually use mine as a desktop. It’s attached to a large monitor and works just fine.

    Good luck about getting things straightened out at the University. Please let us know how it goes.

    I’m glad your father is home from the hospital and hope he’s back to good health soon.

  6. Rummuser says:

    BHB, Jean, Our help has taken leave of absence to attend to her daughter in law’s confinement and delivery. All going well, she should be back at work latest by mid next week. In the meanwhile, I cook simple Indian dishes or, send for meals from the many restaurants/delis that flourish very near our home.

  7. bikehikebabe says:

    La De Da Rummuser. You can order from restaurants/delis as long as your cook is gone. My family had full time help from the time I was born ’til I left home. Help is expensive here now. I’d rather do it myself. But I’ll be thinking of you being served.

  8. Jean says:

    I thought you had a cook, and a good one at that. πŸ˜€

  9. Rummuser says:

    Jean, such secrets are not shared among readers of blogs! Congratulations BHB.

  10. bikehikebabe says:

    It’s no secret. Tom (husband) is the cook & a darn good one!

  11. Jean says:

    As BHB says, it’s no secret. I think she should be bragging about it. πŸ™‚

  12. bikehikebabe says:

    I got tired of preparing 3 meals a day for umpteen years, but Tom taking over lots of my work causes stupid psychological problems.

    I used to do the child rearing, cooking, cleaning, gardening, shopping, you name it. Everything I ask him to do he does quickly & willingly. BUT I feel guilty & frustrated that I can’t do it all & take him away from what he REALLy wants to do.

  13. Jean says:

    You know my philosophy:

    Life is always changing. Keep a sense of humor and do the best you can with what you have left.

    That’s why I like reading about dogs. They know how to enjoy themselves and don’t feel they “should” be doing more.

  14. Cathy in NZ says:

    short update – will update more later this week…

    everything is on track to be changed so that I can stay at University and do things a better organised way. if I had only known what I know now.

    i looked at the back correspondence and I can vaguely see how it all happened…no point in turning back the clock.

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