Worried Bear

It was a good but uneventful week. I did do some sketching and spent time on my Wii Fit everyday. And Andy and I did the federal income tax. We each do it independently–he uses TurboTax and I do it in Excel. Then we compare our results and correct the mistakes we find.

So what does that have to do with the picture of the worried bear above? Nothing, in fact. I’ve just been waiting for a time when nothing much is happening to use it. I drew it in Photoshop last month after I read about a new smart bullet developed by two hunters working at one of our national laboratories. They think it’s great and when it goes to market will be used by our military, law enforcement officers and by “recreational shooters.” I can think of a lot more groups who might be interested in the weapon, and I also wonder just how much of a sport hunting can be with a bullet like that. What do you think?

Thanks to bikehikebabe, Kate, Evan, Mike, Rummuser and Cathy for commenting on last week’s post.
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18 Responses to Worried Bear

  1. Evan says:

    Hunting is not really my thing

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    Evan, Jean nor I would ever shoot a bear. But alas now we have a laser-like bullet that will hit the target of a drunk murderer, or a soldier. You know how I feel about murderers & war.

    Tom tells me laser stands for — Like Amplified Stimulation Emission of Radiation.

  3. Evan says:

    I do. It is horrible that people spend their time (and huge money) on things like this

  4. Jean says:

    The worst part for me is that bikehikebabe and I helped pay to develop the weapon. We are some of the taxpayers supporting the national laboratories.

    Actually it’s Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

  5. bikehikebabe says:

    Tom called the definition from upstairs. I don’t hear well without my hearing aids which I don’t wear except for TV. Like sounds similar to Light. Your definition makes more sense. 😀

  6. Jean says:

    I figured it was something like that. Light and like do sound almost the same.

  7. Rummuser says:

    BHB, I like the light that you throw around. Don’t ever stop.

    The only thing I know how to shoot, is to shoot is my mouth off.

    So, it makes no difference what bullet I use.

    I like the bear. He looks as if he knows that he is being talked about here.

  8. Jean says:

    The bear is worried about that new bullet. Life can be hard enough without that.

  9. Cathy in NZ says:

    How does the bullet know which “target” he supposed to get…I assume the bullet is “male”?

    Or should I read the news article more keenly and not just scan through…

    Say he (the bullet) was on a mission to shot the bear and then found a bigger animal i.e. an elephant would it instead go for that?

    As for people – would the bullet know the enemy but somehow on the way through to target, target hacked it’s system and the bullet turned around and hit the shooter?

    I’ve had a good day at Uni – hence the silly comments!!!

  10. Jean says:

    Glad you had a great day! As I understand it the bullet follows a laser beam from the shooter’s gun. Presumably the shooter will keep aiming at the target. I assume the shooter could change targets before the bullet arrives.

  11. bikehikebabe says:

    I like Cathy’s explanation better. Especially the part where the smart bullet turns around & hits the shooter.

  12. tammy says:

    oh my. i don’t even know where to begin.
    so i won’t!
    i’m with evan.
    another “better” way to kill.
    just what the world needs.
    but i really like your bear!
    you’re good!
    tammy j

  13. Max Coutinho says:

    Hi Cheerful Monk,

    First, thank you for having dropped by my blog.

    Second, smart bullets: I have heard of them and I don’t think they are appropriate for sport hunting (unless there is a specific kind of sport hunting [i.e. criminal] that I know nothing of) – but that’s only my opinion.

    Anyway, have a great weekend and know that you are more than welcome at my blog :D.


  14. Jean says:

    I couldn’t agree more about smart bullets. I have now subscribed to your blog.

  15. Jean says:

    Sorry, I didn’t see your comment earlier. My hosting service doesn’t always tell me when I get new ones anymore. Their latest “improvements” are a nuisance in this area.

    I’m glad you like the bear. Thanks! 🙂

  16. Rita Moore says:

    Personally, I’d give the bear a gun with these marvelous bullets and the deer too! I have never thought hunting very “sporting” and even less so when only one is armed. I’m not a gun fan and I love the drawing of your bear.

  17. bikehikebabe says:

    Since the animals don’t have guns, we could let the hunters shoot each other. That would be fair 😉

  18. Jean says:

    Thanks! I agree about hunting. I like bikehikebabe’s suggestion. 😀

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