
One of Beate and Tim’s trees on 9/16/11.

A year later, 9/12/12. The elk rubbed their antlers on it.

Another of Beate and Tim’s trees on 9/16/11

A year later, 9/12/12. Notice how it has grown.

Our clearing on 9/18/11. Only the trash containers remain.

The same place on 9/06/12. The outside of the cabin is almost done.

We’ve taken thousands of pictures the past year or two, and I’m now going through them and tagging them with key words so I can search through them more easily. It’s time consuming, but it feels good to have finally faced up to the task. A fringe benefit is noticing all of the changes that have taken place. Have you ever tackled a big job you were dreading and found that you actually enjoyed it?

Thanks to Rummuser, bikehikebabe, tammy, Dixie, Cathy, Mike, Evan, Nick and Max for commenting on last week’s post.
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13 Responses to Changes

  1. Dixie says:

    Once tackled the kitchen and removed seven layers of wallpaper; gained almost a foot of space(smile).

    Love the way you’ve framed the shots. At first I thought that might be a black bear in the first photo. Time for glasses??

    Have a great week, Cheerful Monk!

  2. Rummuser says:

    It is fascinating to see such change taking place. When both of you eventually say “phew”, it will leave all of us with a sense of wonder. I look forward to seeing the before, during and the after photographs eventually.

  3. tammy says:

    look at that little cabin sitting there so proudly
    in the mountains!
    i’m with rummy. can’t wait to see pictures!
    will you keep your place in town? and carl just go there?
    or is it to be your new home? i’m a little confused.
    i thought at first it was to be just a small studio or shed for him.
    it looks like a real house! how far is it from your apartment?
    … oh tammy. too many questions! sorry. lol!
    i get excited. can you tell?

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    I notice the little plants along my hiking trails. They grow, flower. I even notice evolution. Before the Big Fire that burned part of Los Alamos 11 years ago there were lots of round, slow-moving Horny Toads (a lizard). No more. I thought the fire wiped them out BUT they are nowhere to be found. Instead there are very fast moving long skinny lizards with long tails. They wiggle like a snake going up a slope but zip very fast & straight on the level.

  5. tammy says:

    horny toads used to be all over oklahoma. but no more.
    they can’t be found anywhere.
    i wonder if it’s an extinct species now. they looked like
    miniature dinosaurs! they were even in our school yard the
    year i went to school in this state.

  6. Jean says:

    Yes, I can see why you thought there might have been a bear. Andy took the pictures, so he gets the credit.

    I can imagine getting absorbed in the wall paper job. It must have been satisfying to see the results.

    Be careful what you ask for. 😀 At the moment I have 1719 pictures posted on my Flickr account. And most of them document the changes up on the land.

    We will still live down here. At first the cabin was going to be a small emergency bedroom plus a big workroom for Andy, but then he decided he could put his workroom in the new shed. The shed was mostly built last November but it didn’t have the final inspection until a few weeks ago. We were disappointed that he couldn’t use it last winter, but that’s the way things go sometimes.

    He goes up there almost every day, so hopefully in a few months he will have a cozy little cabin with a wood burning stove, a propane heater, a little kitchen and bathroom, etc. to enjoy. When he decided he could get by with a heated workroom in the shed he asked me to work with the architect to design the cabin so I might use it too. That’s why my study is there. We still don’t know how many nights we will sleep up there. That’s still a long way off. If we don’t get snowed out Kaitlin, Torben and the grandpuppies will probably “camp out” in the living room when they come at Christmas.

    It’s about a 45-minute drive from our apartment, a lot of it on rough dirt roads.

    I will definitely be posting more pictures. I think the whole process has been fascinating.

    Thanks for pointing that out about the horned lizards/horned toads/horny toads. Andy says he thinks he saw one last year but not this year. I’ve seen a lizard down here, but I can’t remember the last time I saw a horny toad. We used to have a lot of them up there.

  7. Cathy in NZ says:

    I’ve tackled a few things in my life…most have turned out okay, some even better.

    Tackling “art-making-marks” is still a WIP but at some points in the journey things look okay, although most still need a lot more steps to be real possibilities. That is ‘if I chose them to be’ – this journey is one of a personal undertaking, pushing new boundaries which may or might not lead me anywhere.

    Yesterday, I was tidying up my ‘work log’ to mail away and I noticed I spent very little time on photography but a hellva lotta time on collage and the like…

  8. Max Coutinho says:

    Hi Jean,

    The tree has grown immensely and it looks as cute as when it was little.
    It is nice to document the changes around us. I really enjoy witness the evolution of things.
    I enjoy my job be it big or small – however, I haven’t experienced what you are asking yet (that dread of tackling a certain job) but when I do I might share it with you ;).


  9. Nick says:

    No, usually it’s just as awful as I thought it would be!

  10. bikehikebabe says:

    Nick, 😀 I like you–unpretentious.

  11. Jean says:

    Good for you! I’m a great believer in trying things without worrying if they will lead anywhere. Bless Steve Jobs for doing that when he audited those calligraphy classes at Reed. If he hadn’t done that our computers wouldn’t have so many different fonts.

    I’m not that different from you. It’s just that I put things on my Possibility List and will put some them off until I suddenly have an urge to do them.


  12. Jean says:

    I agree. 🙂

  13. Nick says:

    Well, thank you, but I have plenty of pretensions lurking in the background. I just try to keep them out of sight, lol.

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