The Birds Are Back!

When Orlando left Sunday he accidentally left the door to the cab of the trackhoe open. He had a bag of pistachios there, and when he came back Monday he had a big mess to clean up. All of the nuts had been eaten, and there were shells scattered everywhere.

How did he know birds did it? Let’s just say they left some souvenirs.

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6 Responses to The Birds Are Back!

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    agree with Rummuser 🙂

  2. tammyj says:

    LOLOL! priceless!
    like the time at the wee blink bonnie. my whole french door onto my patio looked like somebody had thrown egg whites all over it! i thought . . . .
    “now WHY would somebody want to vandalize my patio door!!!!???”
    next second i thought . . . BIRDIES! and then a big smile on my face while i got out the windex! 😀

  3. Jean says:

    Rummuser, Cathy, and tammy
    Thank you! 😀

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