I’m in Love!

As you know, I’ve been having a great time playing with colors with my oil pastels. I’ve also been looking for simple, whimsical pictures that make me want to draw. That’s how I came across david scheirer at studio tuesday.

As soon as I saw this first picture, I fell in love with his style. (david has a lot more pictures on his site.)

Have you ever had an experience like this?


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15 Responses to I’m in Love!

  1. Rummuser says:

    I was in love with an artist for over forty years though I could never fall or rise in love with her art. Many others did though. I am not however, a hopeless case. I have been falling in and out of love all my life; with people mostly. And occasionally with dogs and horses.

  2. tammyj says:

    i love rummy’s comment. true for me too!
    YES! to your newly discovered artist.
    and as artists go…
    my favorite are often children. and there are those qualities in david’s here.
    i love matisse. his art is childlike.
    it’s also why i like my blog friend cindi’s art in her blog … oldblackcatboo.com
    wonderful monk!
    i’ll visit david for sure.

  3. bikehikebabe says:

    I love david scheirer’s style too. I fell in love with being strong. I’m kicking my butt to stay that way –in moderation with what muscle & stamina I’ve got left. 🙂
    My real love is my family.

    • Jean says:

      Loving our family and other people goes without saying. It’s being motivated by something else we love that I was talking about. And you certainly have been motivated! Yay, bikehikebabe!

    • bikehikebabe says:

      My motivation is observing my very physically active kids, but mainly my wanting to be strong is from Tom, with his long hikes everyday & the work he does at home. I try to do the same, sort-of, –it’s impossible.

      His mother lived to 96. Mine died when she turned 75. Not such good genes so I haven’t got them either. Mother’s fault –indirectly :D. (This is a ;D carryover from my blaming Mother for me being too economical.)

    • Jean says:

      Yes, I got the joke about your poor mother. 🙂 It does sound as if Tom inherited better genes than you did, but it could be a lot worse. I’ve had two friends who died of cancer when they were 55. Another friend from college died of a heart attack at 64, etc. Two of my grandparents died in their 60’s. My father died when he was 74, my mother when she was 79. So I’m well aware that life is short. No time for worry, my job now is to have as much fun as possible, make the most of the time I have left.

    • bikehikebabe says:

      Yay Jean. “Way to go girl” as is said.

  4. tammyj says:

    oh my goodness.
    i just came from his site. and going back now. lol!
    how wonderful! just wanted to stop back and thank you for introducing me to this great artist.
    i love his work.
    the simplicity of the illustrations… but then the absolute mastery in his water colors.
    oh my!

  5. nick says:

    Great pictures. I’m always falling in love with one artist or another. Modern art is a big obsession of mine. So creative and startling. I don’t understand those people who say “But what does it mean?” Who cares what it means as long as you enjoy it?

    • Jean says:

      What are some of your favorite artists? Can one get a feeling for them on the internet or is it hopeless if one can’t see them in person? I’ve been reading some books on abstract art, and most pieces don’t inspire me. But I haven’t given up trying to understand why people like them.

  6. Cindi says:

    Jean, I feel like that constantly. Do you do Pinterest? It’s highly addictive but I adore it. If you are not familiar with it, it’s a site where you “pin” images into categories or as they are called “boards”. I love it and it’s totally helped me with my magazine addiction. If I see something I like I just put in in the appropriate board. It’s helped me with decorating ideas, gardening, cooking but most importantly I have boards for Art and Illustrations pinned for inspiration. I’m currently working on my childrens book – “Kanga” and I have a board just filled with inspirational art, drawings, photography, quotes…whatever it may be that takes my mind to that place where I can create.

    • Jean says:

      I’ve used Pinterest some, but you’ve convinced me I should use it more. I came across an illustration today that I loved, but I can’t find it again. Presumably if I had pinned it I could have found it easily. Thanks for the suggestion.

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