Great Visit

Kaitlin, Torben and the pups left for home today. We had a great time on our burned-over mountain top.



Here’s a movie of Montana jumping over one of the gullies on the way down to Andy’s lower fruit trees and to Beate and Tim’s. (Thank you Torben!)

She does it effortlessly. Not me! I always need a hand. 🙂

Here’s Montana looking into a burned-out stump.


And here she is just looking.


It was fun having them here. How was your week?


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6 Responses to Great Visit

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    I’m impressed with Montana’s jumping ability. Love seeing your photos & reading about your life.

    Today I cleared out my notes, mixed with small papers for new notes to myself. Only kept a few important notes. (Maybe I’ll get it on my computer someday.) My inspiration was seeing Lydia clear out her notes. –in Sweden.

  2. Jean says:

    Yes, Montana loves to jump. Check out this video Torben made — I’ll probably use it as a post someday. Notice that when she chases her tail she sometimes catches it. And one afternoon when she was here, she started chasing it when she was lying on her back. Presumably just for the extra challenge.

  3. Rummuser says:

    Very tame. Except for two short forays for coffee to the cafe next door, stayed at home and had one visitor. Caught up with a lot of reading though!

  4. tammyj says:

    oh monk.
    she jumps for the joy of jumping!
    and the video… darling sammy lying there laughing at her… i only wish the screen were wider!
    that was an amazing video right up to and including the very end … the two beloved paws touching. i loved it.
    torben is very talented.
    and good looking too! LOLOL.

  5. cathy in NZ says:

    The first week out of University was about catching up with a number of “on the list but not done” items – some of which flowed over to the next week (last week) but by the w/end I was feeling less stressed and hassled and NOW I think I’m more human 🙂

    I am actually enjoying the solitude of not having to be somewhere just because…

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