

I drew the first version of this cartoon over 20 years ago. The lab was downsizing and both Andy’s and my jobs (in different divisions) were in danger of disappearing. Needless to say, there was a lot of tension at work. So in addition to my wearing my “Life is uncertain, eat dessert first” T-shirt, I looked around and asked,

What’s the opportunity here?

Of course — to become an expert on stress management. Even then people knew that stress can be healthy and put a lot of joy and satisfaction in our lives if we handle it well. And our attitude makes a big difference — people who thrive on stress think of themselves as challenged rather than as threatened and helpless.

So I was surprised by this TED video — the speaker, a health psychologist, says she had been teaching people that stress is always bad for you, and it was only recently that she saw the light.

I did like the part about oxytocin relaxing our blood vessels — that explains why altruism is so good for people — but the effect of oxytocin is more complicated than she says. I’ll talk about this in another post.

Anyway, what about you? Do you have enough stress/excitement in your life? Do you have too much? Just the right amount?


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6 Responses to Stress

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    i don’t do stress – anything untoward is just part of my/our journey!

    even the one i’m under now… yes i had some stress today when the wonderful more comfortable collar/cuff sling broke – i was weepy but then i just put back on the awkward papery one… and later when a seemingly simple job of attaching a clothes peg to a wire coathanger – just wasn’t going to happen [a week ago that wasn’t an issue] but today i had to give in and let a friend do it!

    the life journey just provided me with an experience i never thought i would have!

    • Jean says:

      You are one of the most stress-hardy, resilient people I have ever met! I’m so glad I know you — you’re an inspiration.

  2. Rummuser says:

    No stress but sufficient excitement to keep life interesting. I have no time for torschlusspanik.

  3. Too much stress in my life. I try to let it go, but it is constantly raising it’s ugly head! I need to go for more walks in the woods I think.
    Regards, Keith.

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