
tammy’s latest post, labels, reminded me of George Bernard Shaw’s quote:


Yay, tammy! Yay, George Bernard Shaw!


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13 Responses to Labeling

  1. Rummuser says:

    Bernard Shaw was born and lived in the wrong times. He should have been amongst us to point out many of our foibles now.

  2. Cindi says:

    Thank you for the quote!
    LOVE it.
    I need some new (labels) measurements for myself!
    These old ones are getting frayed.
    (I almost missed Tammy’s post. Thank you for linking to it.
    I’m having computer problems again… cat chewing through charging cord problems actually.)
    Anyway, today I have a new label on!
    It reads “Uses company computer to read blogs”.

  3. Ursula says:

    An extraordinarily self-centered observation.

    And if his tailor is “the only man” he knows to “behave sensibly” what about Shaw himself?


  4. nick says:

    Ursula carping and sneering away as usual.

  5. nick says:

    Not sure what measurements he’s referring to except the ones taken by his tailor. What else would be measured, I wonder? I haven’t been measured for anything since I was a small boy. The only thing I expect to be measured for in the next few years is my coffin. Assuming I’m not just shoved in a giant Jiffy bag and cremated, that is.

  6. tammy j says:

    LOL! good one skippy.
    made me recall what my father always said about my mother.
    neither one of them ever gained weight. at 45 he still wore the same size pants as when he got out of the service. he always said… with a wink and a grin in her direction… “because my wife refuses to buy a bigger size!”
    apparently she bought his clothes? LOL. never knew that til later.
    i guess he couldn’t be bothered. he was busy with his horses!
    he always looked fantastic though. it must have worked. 🙂

    • Jean says:

      We order Andy’s clothes online so he can get the same things and not have to think about it. Ditto for me. There are a lot more fun things to do than shop for clothes. 🙂

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