Sunday Walks

Beate, Tim, and Andy have been going on walks most Sundays this summer. Part of yesterday’s was along an old wagon road — notice the leaning tree and Andy’s pith helmet.




The trails and roads where they walk are “slightly less than perfect”, so the pith helmet offers more protection than his usual floppy sunhat.


It pays to be careful.


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9 Responses to Sunday Walks

  1. Rummuser says:

    Man, that pith helmet again! It is nice to know that it is being used in your part of the world as well.

  2. tammy j says:

    i don’t know why… they conjure up old 1930’s adventure movies to me!
    very sylish. and necessary.
    andy’s like the marine. in VERY good shape it would seem!
    tim and beate also! i like the color of beate’s choce of head gear!

    • Jean says:

      Andy says he’s in “fair” shape. Beate and Tim are more than 20 years younger than he is, so they are in even better condition. I’m really glad he has someone to walk with.

  3. nick says:

    Are the trails really so dangerous that a pith helmet is needed? Or are you just taking the pith?

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    I would imagine a cyclist helmet would better protect – unless of course there is a chin strap with the pith helmet!

    • Jean says:

      Yes, that black band in the picture of the helmet is actually a chin strap, to be pulled down and used when needed. A bicycle helmet wouldn’t give the sun protection he needs.

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