More Daring?
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I’m not as adventuresome as Earl is — I still wash my fruit before I eat it, and I have enough challenges in my life right now without adding any more. What about you?


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8 Responses to More Daring?

  1. tammy j says:

    i love pickles. i always say that don’t i?
    but i do.
    maybe because now… i totally relate! LOL.
    i think the cautious life is a bit underrated.
    trying to think of the last daring thing i’ve done.
    i’ll keep you posted.
    it may take awhile! 🙂

  2. Cindi says:

    I spent my early years,
    at least the first 24 of them, very cautious.
    Then I spent about 10 years going completely nuts
    and taking all sorts of chances.
    (It’s a wonder I’m alive).
    Then, I flipped back and have been VERY cautious…
    Time to flip again, I think.

    • Jean says:

      Not too daring, I hope! We like having you around. Fortunately not all changes/risks are physical — I’m happy for you about some of the changes you are proposing.

  3. Rummuser says:

    In India, you miss out on life if you are choosy about your food. I too will wash fruit and vegetables before consumption but will not make a OCD out of it.

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    I can not do much daring of late…CM warned me in one her replies to my comment on something 🙂

    However, I have been dare devil in my storage areas – never going to become a minimalist but I’m working on having less boxes to store in my twilight years! Right now there seems to 1/3 filled boxes which I think could be combined…but have to get on top a few other things before I can stick my neck out in that daring way…

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