Good for Her!

I’m mostly clueless about the entertainment and fashion world and had never heard of Zendaya, a famous singer-dancer-actress. But good for her! She objected when a magazine retouched the picture they were going to use on the cover of their November issue, and they are in the process of changing it.

The picture on the right was the original photo, the one on the left the retouched one. On her Instagram page she says,

Had a new shoot come out today and was shocked when I found my 19 year old hips and torso quite manipulated. These are the things that make women self conscious, that create the unrealistic ideals of beauty that we have. Anyone who knows who I am knows I stand for honest and pure self love. So I took it upon myself to release the real pic (right side) and I love it. Thank you @modelistemagazine for pulling down the images and fixing this retouch issue.

Again, good for her!


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12 Responses to Good for Her!

  1. Ursula says:

    Indeed good for her.

    What is so ridiculous, and I say this as a heterosexual woman not a man lusting, that her “real” curvy self is so much more attractive and pleasing to the eye than the pared down version.

    In my own vicinity one of my sisters comes to mind. As a teenager she had a lot of “puppy fat” – mostly in the right places. And then one day, she must have been about eighteen/nineteen she flipped. To this day I do not know whether – in today’s lingo – she’d be classified as a bulimic or an anorexic. A bulimic in as much as she ate properly in company. However, I know – because I stayed with her briefly – that she’d relieve herself after a meal. And she fell off the flesh like an anorexic. By the time I got married – she was twenty one – she looked like a young David Bowie on the wedding photos. Including the short hair, trouser suit and – naturally – as thin as a stick insect.

    So far so nothing. Happens to a lot of girls. However, the very girl/young woman who was so incensed that everyone was “after her body” rather than her “mind” is – to this day – one of the vainest people I have ever met. She worships at the altar of her body. She has had five children – you wouldn’t know it. The slightest imperfection (as she sees it), and if all other remedies fail, is surgically rectified. It’s sick. What is really sick … never mind. It’s a fucking tragedy (excuse my English). I fear for her. Give it another ten, fifteen years. Then what? She may have the body of a boy but you can be blessed with as good genes as our family is the face will out and won’t lie. Not least because she is a life long smoker. When I think of my sister I think of attics and Dorian Gray.


    • Jean says:

      Our society is sick that way — letting idiots tell us what is attractive. That’s too bad about your sister, and I agree, her face will show it if she keeps smoking.

  2. Rummuser says:

    I applaud the lady.

  3. tammy j says:

    i have no idea who she is. but amen! the real picture is prettier by far.
    how odd that all the beautiful ‘pin ups’ from the golden age of hollywood would literally be considered FAT today. how stupid is that!
    and like ursula says… so many like her sister… are going the route of bulimia and anorexia that it’s ruining their health. that is sad in the extreme.

    • Jean says:

      I agree, the original is so much more attractive. Hopefully the idiots will eventually be outnumbered. I remember reading an article a few years ago about one attractive, healthy-weight teen who couldn’t get modeling jobs because she was “too fat.” Yuck!

  4. Evan says:

    Good on her. And the orange shade looks awful too.

  5. nick says:

    What’s appalling is that she apparently has no control over the photo and it can be altered in any way at all without her knowledge. No doubt the magazine thought that didn’t matter because she would be so flattered by the “improved” photo. In this case, they were quite wrong. And how educational that the magazine’s readers are now more aware that photos might not be what they seem.

    But it’s not a question of which photo people like us prefer. That’s irrelevant because it’s what she thinks that’s at issue. The point is that she’s been “mis-pictured” in the same way as people are mis-quoted.

    • Jean says:

      Apparently magazines do it all the time, but this time she put a stop to it and they publicly apologized. Presumably they had paid her to pose so thought they could do anything they wanted to with the photo. Hope the lesson sticks.

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