They’re On Their Way!

I received an email from Sammy and Montana (with Kaitlin’s help) yesterday saying, “We’re on our way!”

Sammy and Montana


My grandbabies! They should be here this afternoon, and we’ll buy some food at Subway then drive up to the land to have dinner with Andy. They’ll be staying up there until Tuesday morning.

How cool is that?


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8 Responses to They’re On Their Way!

  1. tammy j says:

    OH those pictures!!!
    i’m SO in love!
    it sounds wonderful.
    and how cool is that? IT’S VERY COOL!!!

  2. Rummuser says:

    Very cool indeed.

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    indeed, cool as 🙂

  4. Cindi says:

    This news and the photos just make me HAPPY!
    So I know you must feel that ten-fold!
    So very cool!

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