What a Difference

What a difference a year makes.

Here’s a graph of the New York Times forecasts as a function of time last night:


What a difference a few hours makes.


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18 Responses to What a Difference

  1. tammy j says:

    went to bed before the results were in.
    woke up this morning to president trump.
    and after months of hate spewing and division tactics…
    he’s now saying we must unify…
    which trump do we believe?
    gonna be an interesting four years I guess.

  2. Rummuser says:

    Yes, Tammy, the next four years are going to be very interesting to watch and the world will be watching.

  3. “May you live in interesting times”, although it’s not clear who initially said this, it seems appropriate. So, we go on with our day…

    • Jean says:

      It’s an old Chinese proverb. No sense freaking out about it, but the environment and foreign policy are concerns. Apparently Cruz and others are starting to position themselves for 2020, so he probably won’t have a honeymoon with Congress.

  4. Looney says:

    The greatest brains in America will be trying to make Trump implode for the next four years. Time to get some more popcorn during the intermission.

  5. Cathy in NZ says:

    what a mess… what is to happen…and so forth.

    (could something happen between now and January when he is sworn in…)

  6. Linda Sand says:

    Paraphrasing Trump, “The election was rigged. I demand an investigation!”

    In reality, I think many people decided they didn’t want the same old same old so–now for something totally different!

    • Jean says:

      Yes, a lot of people who voted for Trump didn’t like him personally, but they think Washington is in desperate need of change. In fact historically the bet would have been after 8 years with one party in the White House the other party would win. A lot of people thought it wouldn’t happen because of Trump. As you say, it will be different!

  7. Cindi says:

    Normally I wouldn’t share but I didn’t vote.
    Besides Illinois is ALWAYS blue, so why bother.
    I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for either one.
    But I agree, people would rather have an outsider.
    Time will tell and most importantly are the people he chooses.
    As you said, fingers crossed!

    • Jean says:

      I’m curious to see who he picks for his cabinet and advisors. Apparently that needs to be done soon for an orderly transition. And just because the Senate is Republican doesn’t mean it will easily approve all of his proposed appointments.

  8. Audra E says:

    Jean, I was happy to see that just as you said, New Mexico stayed blue. About the victory speech: I figured it was probably written by a staff member, because it was so very un-Trumplike. Sure enough: today’s info about his apparent picks for advisers and top officials are Trump through and through, with the expected very strong support for ways that rich people can get richer. Indirect, you might say, but crippling the EPA sure helps some people’s pocketbooks… etc.

    • Jean says:

      It was a good speech, and at least he was willing to give it. An orderly transfer of power is not to be taken for granted — it’s one of the best things about America, I think.

      Yes, I’m afraid the environment will take it on the chin, and if the rumors are correct, it will be interesting to see what Rudy Giuliani does as Attorney General.

  9. KB says:

    I was checking the NYTimes site too. I went to bed when it hit 95% for Trump. Then, I got up at 3AM to check, and it was a done deal. I couldn’t sleep after that…

    • Jean says:

      I was so impressed by the NYT site. We’ll just have to see how bad the next four years will be. I agree with the sentiment we should keep an open mind until we see what happens.

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