Not So Romantic
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It’s easier to romanticize nature when we’re safe from the worst of it.


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10 Responses to Not So Romantic

  1. Rummuser says:

    You can say that again. I found walking to a polling booth this morning while it was still early quite an adventure with many things on the way making it like an obstacle race!

  2. nick says:

    Indeed, we’re only safe from nature because of all the measures taken to keep it under control. If it were allowed to run riot, we’d soon be in trouble. You only have to look at the havoc caused by the miniscule mosquito. Or the tsetse fly.

  3. tammy j says:

    love that. and amen.
    I have to admit… I love ‘looking at it’ or driving ‘through’ it.
    the way the marine is in it… with bears in the camp at night…
    not so much!

  4. Linda Sand says:

    Nature as seen through my window is now my favorite view of it.

  5. Cathy in NZ says:

    it’s like the weeds here, how could they flourish so well through the many cracks in the driveway…

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