New Great Invention

The Sibes at The Thundering Herd discovered some new technology that could solve some of the problems people have with their cell phones. I will let them tell you in their own words.


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9 Responses to New Great Invention

  1. Rummuser says:

    One of this morning’s crossword puzzles had a clue that read – “outmoded convenience”. I had to work around it for about half an hour before I could solve it as payphone!

    I still use my landline as first choice when I call people I know to have landlines. While the cell phones have their advantages, primarily that of mobility, the clarity of reception in the landline makes it a better alternative for me and many of my friends and relatives.

    • Jean says:

      As you know, we’re lucky enough to send text messages to the land and back. We don’t even try speaking.

      Thanks for the bit about your crossword puzzle. 🙂

  2. tammy j says:

    I agree with rummy. my land line is so much clearer if one really wants a good conversation. I only keep a cell phone for emergencies. and then I forget to charge it most of the time!
    loved the thundering herd’s discovery! LOL
    I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a pay phone around here.

    • Jean says:

      I think it’s too bad they expect everyone to have a cellphone. But I can understand why payphones are no longer profitable.

  3. We’ll never go back to using payphones, to any extent. But I don’t wish to do away with my land line just yet. I agree with tammy j—the land line is much clearer. It’s also easier to use.

    • Jean says:

      I was sorry to see payphones go, but I can understand why they’re no longer in use. Our cellphone is (almost) only for communication between Andy and me when he’s up on the land. Mostly he can receive my texts, often I can’t receive his. That’s why we have satellite internet — he uses it to let me know when he leaves everyday.

  4. Audra E says:

    Around here (the far Northwest of the U.S.), we are often reminded of American technological backwardness when our cellphones say: “welcome to Canada” because there’s no coverage from US providers. And yes, our landlines are much better for extended conversation.

  5. Cathy in NZ says:

    pay phones here are “insert card” mostly your credit card! And there are very few of them…

    what I don’t like about speaking into my s/phone is the inconvenience if you are required to press some number…I can’t seem to find speaker phone on it either. I prefer to use my landline – (I’ve a package deal with my internet provider for it…) sometimes it goes off but a quick reboot of the fibre modem and I’m back!

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