Wasting Time or Moodling?


Photo by danellesheree Creative Commons license.

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One Response to moodling-dog-copy.jpg

  1. Yeliz says:

    Hi Jean,for me, it is exactly the same. It is the quiet time that gives me the onitrouppty to gather my thoughts, find some peace and quiet in my head, to sit back and let the creative juices’ do their work, and in the best case to find my inner voice’ again.Unfortunately, with two little children, a stressful job, not enough sleep, and a house with very limited privacy, that time is way too limited..Blogging certainly doesn’t help with that limited time either, but at the same time, it is a form of quiet time’ for me too!The good thing is, that I’ve reached a point in my life that I’m noticing it now, that I’m feeling that that quiet time’ is long overdue.. And that I HAVE to schedule in it, one way or the other..Writing in my journal is one of the ways for me, though nothing can compare to a long walk on the beach!!And you’re so right, it might not be fashionable, but who cares! As a matter of fact, I came across a study recently, encouraging a short period of down time’ even at work, since it would make the workers more effective in the time left!Warm wishes to you Jean, and thank you for this post again. To me, your posts are in fact a sort of quiet time.. they really are!Ellen

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