Support Puppy

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 13 Comments

You Know You’re Really Old…

when you know when Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays were. Andy (in Montana) and I (in California) didn’t have to go to school on February 12 because it was Lincoln’s birthday, and on February 22 because it was Washington’s.

Then we thought they combined the two into Presidents’ Day and put it on the Monday between them. Wrong! Washington’s Birthday has been a federal holiday since 1879. Lincoln’s Birthday has never been. But starting in 1971 the government moved some holidays, including Washington’s Birthday, to a Monday to give federal employees a three-day weekend.

So what’s the story about Presidents’ Day?

While still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government today, the unofficial name “Presidents Day” gained popularity as retailers and state and local governments broadened the scope to honor all our presidents, including Washington and Lincoln whose birthdays bookend that Monday.
USA Today

So that’s why my calendar said yesterday was Presidents’ Day and the National Weather Service called it Washington’s Birthday. Who would have guessed? Not us!

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 21 Comments

Washington’s Birthday??

This was Saturday’s National Weather forecast for today:

Does anyone (in the U. S.) remember when Washington’s Birthday was? The story behind President’s Day?

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 27 Comments

Smart Mom!

One reason the mom in yesterday’s post could be so calm was because she had had her furniture treated to be stain resistant. It took a lot of work to get the markings on the furniture, but she was able to do it. I don’t know about the poor sister’s stuffed animal.

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 18 Comments

Talk About Love and Patience

My hat goes off to that mom! Click on the picture for the video. And click the sound button (lower right corner of the Instagram video) to turn on the sound.

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 28 Comments

This Is Why I Get My Doggie Fixes…

from the internet. Click on the picture for the video.

It’s a bit late for me to have my own rambunctious puppy.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 29 Comments

I’ve Never Wanted to “Get Ahead”, But…

I agree with Mark Twain about getting ourselves to do something we don’t want to do,

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.

Combine that with the first law of behavior modification,

Whatever is rewarded gets repeated.

And you have a winning strategy.

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 27 Comments

Another Smart Pup

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 28 Comments

My Grandbabies!

I received an email from Kaitlin Friday:

Girls got “Dogs of the Day” reward at the vets! Unfortunately for them the trophies were collar flowers instead of steaks or tuna.

How cool is that? Kaitlin says the pups love going to the vet (the Concord Animal Hospital ) because they always go together, even into the examination room, and they get treats at the end.

They were there because Tempi was having trouble with her eye, and when the vet looked into her eyes she said,

She’s smart! She’s more like a human than a dog.

Yes, we have noticed that.

Then the vet looked into Zoe’s eyes and said

She’s smart too. You must have trouble with them.

Well, yes, they do get into trouble sometimes. But they’re more than worth it because of all the joy they bring.

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 33 Comments

Well, Look At That!

Andy fixed the lamp!

Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure | 36 Comments