The Quality of Our Lives

I’m adding another item to the traits of stress-hardy people:

They understand that the quality of our lives depends on how we focus our energy and our attention.

Cyn commented on yesterday’s post, where I asked if the need to be right came from the need for self worth, by saying, “Very true. My self worth is at stake. But differences of opinion make life interesting. How much more interesting I could be, if I weren’t always defending my opinions.”

I agree! If we’re really trying to optimize the stress in our lives and become more stress hardy then it might make more sense to find another way to do it, a way in which you have a better chance of getting what you want. Reacting against things we don’t want keeps us stuck. Focusing on what we want and finding small steps to move us in that direction is empowering.

If you and your husband like fighting, Cyn, go for it. If not, try something else. What do you think?

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3 Responses to The Quality of Our Lives

  1. Cyn says:

    I think if I get off this computer right now and get to work on my projects, I will feel so good about myself that I won’t need to compete with my husband. ( I can never match him, he’s brilliant.)

  2. Jean says:

    Let me know how it goes! I think you’re a neat lady just the way you are.

  3. Cyn says:

    I don’t want to define my selfworth by the WORK I get done. I just want to BE & enjoy just being me.

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