Sometimes you have to squeeze the lemon really hard to get the lemonade.
—Dr. Randy Pausch
This picture of Dr. Randy Pausch was taken last September on a special vacation with his 5-year-old son Dylan. They visited the Magic Kingdom and swam with the dolphins down in Orlando. The trip was part of a new life purpose… to build some lasting memories for his children before he dies. He hasn’t given up hope for a miracle cure and is doing everything he can to prolong his life, but he also knows the odds are against him.
Whenever I read a reference to the law of attraction, I think of Dr. Pausch. As I understand it, the law says Dr. Pausch’s negative attitude… hoping rather than believing…will manifest the very thing he doesn’t want….his death. I’m afraid I can’t buy that idea. It reminds me of the cargo cults of Melanesia, which sprung up in reaction to colonization by the Europeans. The cultists believe if they only have faith, and worship correctly, a new age will come…an age where the dignity and honor of the natives will be restored and they will be showered with abundant riches. So far it hasn’t happened.
No, I’m afraid I side with Dr. Pausch and Steve Jobs…life is short, and it doesn’t always go the way we want it to. Steve Jobs says sometimes life hits us in the head with a brick. Dr. Pausch says the brick walls aren’t there to keep us out. They’re there to give us a chance to show how much we want things. In other words, be prepared for challenges…don’t expect things to be handed to us. Our best bet is to invest our energy in things we care about, open our hearts to love, make a difference in other people’s lives, and enjoy the process. Let’s make the most of the precious time we have.
What do you think? Do you believe in the law of attraction? How are you living your life? This site is about sharing. Please tell us your thoughts in the comments section.
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Great post Jean. me think a lot has been made out of LOA. It is as if
we have taken for granted the fact that we are prone to disappointments as living beings.
It is true our thought matters but the truth is that sometimes things work out for us and sometimes against us. When things happen good or bad, we just have to move on. ๐
I think our attitude is very important, and I think that we have a great ability to “change our reality.” I believe that we must take all of the steps we can to live the life that we want for ourselves, and that we must also rely on prayer. To borrow a familiar quotation:
โGod, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.โ
There is something to the concepts of the law of attraction … and there is something to life hitting us in the head with a brick, really hard sometimes. I don’t think it is an either/or kind of thing. There is room for both. One just has to get out there and give it a whirl and see what happens, but to be aligned with the positive cannot in the end hurt at all. Neither does being realistic about things.
Hi Jean, I totally agree with you. To me, professor Pausch and Steve Jobs are two of the most inspiring, positive people.
I believe the law of attraction may work in some areas, but it has the drawback that it might be interpreted as ‘ if things go wrong (or should I say not the way you want them to), you’re not believing in it hard enough’.
Where to me, everything happens for a reason. Just like Steve Jobs said, looking backwards, you will be able to connect the dots, and see why it happened to you. Why things did turn out that way, on your own personal path.
In the meantime, do the best you can to (learn to) follow your heart and intuition. They will tell you the best way to share your talents, and to give to your loved ones, to make a difference…
LOA doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, when used as a “manifestation” tool. We can’t have everything we want; that’s clear.
That said, I do think that we are not always aware of what is available to us; fear and doubt result in blinders, and what we can’t see, we can’t have indeed.
I don’t believe for a minute that Dr Pausch “created” his illness or is creating his deathโthat’s hogwash. Nobody makes it out alive, and no one leaves before their time. Rather, I see him as “attracting” a beautiful life in whatever time he has left. He is an inspiration to us all.
Thanks everyone for commenting. Studies show it pays to be optimistic and proactive, but we also need courage and inner strength for when things don’t go our way. And be connected to something bigger than ourselves…as well as be connected with one another…that’s what blogging is about, IMHO. Again. Thank you! ๐
I have always restrained from talking about LOA or focusing on it on my blog not because I don’t believe in it. There are so many things I have thought of years ago and are becoming a reality today.
The fact is just that I don’t believe all we have to do is to think everything into existence. No matter what suitable condition we surround ourselves with, there are so many things that will go round and when they do, there is nothing we can do about them.
I have seen arguements about LOA on so many web forums. There is one that still rings bell in my mind anytime I hear discussions like this. A guy asked one of the LOA proponents whether he is the one that attracts events such as accident, fire or any disaster if they happen to him. ๐
I believe in the human mind to achieve whatever he sets his mind at achieving but sometimes you just can’t have it all ๐
Thanks Jean for bringing this up ๐
I must admit I do believe in the LoA. Having said that I think the universe works in some mysterious ways, and things like this just make that fact all the more obvious. Of course no-one asks for “bad stuff” to happen to them and and certainly no-one asks to die. My beautiful mum was a big believer in this as well, and she died 5 months ago of cancer. She said that what she wanted in life was to know she was loved after such a hard life. By the end, she died knowing that I loved her unconditionally and fully with all my heart. I think the courage, and love, and forgiveness in my heart is the thing she would have wanted most. I don’t know – some things cannot be explained, but I do ask people to consider that the direct and most obvious explanation of LoA is not always the real manifestion. Who are we to question the ‘how’ of the universe, when delivering the ‘why’?
This is another great post to stir useful discussions. I think LOA works. I have seen many people with terminal diseases healed up in a miraculous circunstances.
Professor Pausch hopes to be healed but he doesnt really believe this. LOA works in a simple way: It is what you think most of the time that you attact to yourself. And of course during your meditations you will be communicated with Inspired Actions to take to achieve your desire.
Thanks, Jean.
One of my favorite quotes is by Kathleen Norris: “Prayer isn’t to ask for what you think you want but to be changed in ways you can’t imagine.” I’m a proactive person, but I don’t want to have to visualize what I’m aiming for. I want to keep learning and growing and being prepared for whatever opportunities the universe sends me. It’s sounds as if you and I might be similar that way.
Thanks for sharing your view. I would love to hear what you’re working on right now and how it is going. One reason for writing this post is to hear other people’s experiences.
Hi Jean – There’s a lot to say about the law of attraction and as you know, I’m doing a series of posts on it over at my blog. But a few things spring to mind after reading your post:
1) One thing that I believe to be incorrect in ‘The Secret’ is the idea that illness cannot survive if someone has a positive outlook. Of course ‘dis-ease’ in the mind can help to bring about illness but that isn’t the whole of the story. I’ve been ill for twenty years and I can see how my state of mind helped to bring that about, but I can also see that I am what I am now – including being ‘on the spiritual path’ – has happened *because* of that illness. Things that we label as ‘bad’ often have some purpose which may not be immediately apparent.
2) I believe that the law of attraction is working all the time, whether we’re aware of it or not. So if our mind is full of confused often negative thoughts, then guess what we get? So we might as well try to be positive!
3) Whether we consciously use the law of attraction or not, ‘acceptance’ is what is really important. Once we have that – and few of us do for long! – we are carried along effortlessly in the flow of life and abundance follows naturally. I sometimes get twinges of this sort of state. I’m working on getting more!
I love your blogs. I’ll put in a link from mine…
I’m enjoying reading your posts about the Law of Attraction. I especially agree with what you say about non-attachment. In high school I was taken by the Hindu idea, “Play your part well and let go of the results.” It’s seems to me we’re in agreement about that. Even if I thought the Law of Attraction really worked as advertised, it’s somehow too rewards based for me. It seems to me it’s encouraging attachment to outcome.
Thanks so much for continuing the conversation.
“life is short, and it doesnโt always go the way we want it to” – This is almost too true to be true, but is true…
Unfortunately I have to agree that the law of attraction doesn’t work for me either. I wish it did! I do like to visualize what I want to achieve, sometimes just doing that does give me new ideas on how to get what I want.
But no matter what I pray or how I put positive thoughts out there to attract success, wealth and health, it doesn’t just happen. I don’t have synchronicity where everything falls into place. Doors don’t magically open up for me. I have to work hard all every day to achieve what I want.
Also, why should the law of attraction or prayers punish you for something you thought you wanted? I made a decision about a year ago that has not worked out well. But I personally could not have forseen how it would turn out, even though others thought it wouldn’t work. I’ve learned a lot about what I want and what I don’t. I’ve learned a lot about myself, so I think it was a positive choice for me. But the “punishment” includes a lot of “I told you so,” and some temporary hardships.
By the look of all your comments this is an intriguing subject. I’m going to go finish reading them all now. (I had to comment before my train of thought got derailed.) :0)
Re: Shirley’s comment about punishment. That’s the beauty of life Shirley – nothing is a punishment, just a mere lesson. If you can see it from that stance, life is such a joy. Everything that happens, does so for a reason. If you feel like you are being “punished” for choices you’ve made, the obvious lesson is to think carefully about choices you make! The less obvious lesson is what you have learned from those choices. What have they taught you? How are you different now? What did that situation/person come into your life for? Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is to get us one step closer to the person we are meant to be. Our authentic self. If you don’t learn the lesson, it’ll keep on reappearing. Enjoy, reflect, learn, grow!
Re: Jean’s comment about LoA being rewards based. That’s true Jean, it is reward based, and as for being attached to the outcome, that’s also probably true for those who have studied at the beginner level. What’s interesting and most magickal about the LoA is that is teaches us that we deserve to be rewarded – each of us, as beautiful beings and part of the cosmos deserves to have all that fulfills our potential. The best part is that once the material stuff manifests, you start asking not for “stuff” but for lessons, and opportunities to be the best you! The Secret is a great introduction to the concept, but it is just beginner level – there is so much more to this gorgeously designed system. xx
I’m glad you’ve found a system that works so well for you. If you’d like to tell us more specifically how it has worked in your life, I’d love to hear it.
You’ve brought up two of the main reasons most people don’t make changes in their life: (1) they’re afraid they might wind up in a worse place than when they started, and (2) other people are often more than willing to say “I told you so” and/or take pleasure in the fact the change didn’t work out as hoped. You point out you’ve learned a lot from making the change, so on the whole it was a good thing to try. I personally believe we can’t find out about ourselves and the world unless we’re willing to take some risks. I applaud you for having the courage to try. If you ever want some one-to-one contact with a supporter, just let me know. We could do it either by e-mail or by phone. If not, know that I’m rooting for you. ๐
Thanks for coming by and commenting.
Hi again Jean,
The funny thing is that LoA is only one part of what works well for me – in fact, I’d say that Life works well for me because I believe that everything happens for a reason. That reason might be obvious, or we might have to search deep within to find the why, but it is this over-arching principle that works well with the Law of Attraction. If every strong thought I have leads me closer to a lesson that I must learn in order to become more of myself, then ‘attracting’ things that some label ‘good’ and ‘bad’ isn’t really either of those things. They just are. They are what I need. I hope that makes sense. xx
That sounds close to my philosophy: “Stay curious and open to life. No matter what happens keep learning and growing. Find what you love to do and find a way to share it with others.” It’s also similar to what Shirley said, that she made a choice that didn’t turn out the way she had hoped, but she still thinks it was a good decision because she’s learned a lot about what she wants and doesn’t want.
๐ Thanks for continuing the conversation.
Pingback: attraction » The Law of AttractionโDo You Believe?
I believe that thinking positive thoughts is quite powerful, and that if we tend to dwell in the negative, we’ll tend to draw negative things toward us. But it’s not like a magic wand. Sometimes negative things happen because we’ve accumulated negative thoughts. But sometimes negative things happen because God needs to teach us something.
In general, I think life becomes even more beautiful the more time we spend looking on the bright side of things.
๐ Thanks for coming by and sharing your view.
Terrific debat, let me add my 2 cents…
Who really cares either way on this topic, the only opinio that really matter is our own.
A year ago I decided that I would adopt the belief that…life was meant to be fun, easy and over-flowing with abundance. I know this is not a rational belief and anyone can come up with a million reasons why this isn’t so.
In the year since I accepted that belief, a lot of incredible things have happened to me and to the others who have followed my line of thinking.
Rationally, I did not believe life to be fun, easy and abundant when I decided to make it my belief. However, within a short time of making up my belief, I started really believing it because favourable results kept showing up. Now I’m in total belief.
I say who really knows what is reality. I’m not smart enought to figure that out, so in my stupidity I made up my own belief. As a result I’m happier and richer in so many ways including wealthier.
I say the arguement is redundant….believe in the law of attration or not….either way you are right!
Edward McBeth
๐ Thanks for sharing your experience. My purpose here isn’t to start a debate, it’s to hear how different people view it. I’m glad it works for you. I was hoping for views like yours.
hey, guys I think Law of Attraction in true indeed, We dont need to argue, ask the successful people that you know, eventough they dont know bout the secret yet, but they will say, Yes I always do that in my life.. Ask the failure people then they will say, hey this is new, I never know bout it.. Thats how we prove it guys
The successful people I know would say the law is too simplistic. Yes, we have to believe our efforts will pay off, but that doesn’t mean thinking the right thoughts are enough. Thanks for stopping by. ๐
I don’t believe in LOA at all. At least for me it never happened. I was a negative thinker & nothing turned out the way I imagined it. My life has been great in spite of my worrying. ๐
I used to be a worrier, too, and my life has turned out a lot better than I anticipated. I agree, it’s hard for people like us to believe in the LOA.
I agree with you completely, and I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to label the Law of Attraction and Intention-Manifestation Theory as Cargo Cult Spirituality.
Thanks Chris. I’m surprised more people don’t see that connection.
The LOA is not linear. We often think A and then expect B. Sometimes the LOA zigs, zags, treads water, and it seems like you are going nowhere. People blame you for your illnesses, job loss, etc. saying you “created” it. Nonsense! The LOA knows no space or time and doesn’t always respond according to your human experience and expectation. There is something good going on even if you experience poverty, heartache and even death.
This is an interesting post and comments…
I totally believe in the Law of Attraction…. I think many times LOA is misunderstood –
LOA does not say that if you have an illness you thought this upon yourself.
* First off – we humans have deemed things good or bad – So we deem illness as bad. The Universe, the perfect Love of whom we all are, does not deem things good or bad. They just are
* LOA is not about getting what you think about – it is about getting what matches your vibrations. There is a Huge difference here!
We live in a society that talks a lot – well more than a lot – about disease – accidents – failures – Our media surrounds us with the sensationalism of the horrors in life — Many of our conversations are about the horrors of life and the injustices in life. It seems our main focus is what is wrong with life!
Growing up with these beliefs, reading them, watching them on tv, listening on the radio, having conversations about them….
They become planted in our brains – they go from thoughts to beliefs – those beliefs are like an undercurrent flowing through us.
They are the vibrations we put out into the Universe and the Universe matches our vibrations. “Like attracts Like”
If we tune our awareness to what signals we are sending out – we can certainly change the direction of our lives. We truly have that power!
But it is not about just changing a few thoughts – it is about relearning a new way to look at life – a new way to perceive what is before us!
We, as a society, actually do believe in LOA – that is where our sayings like these came from – “money goes to money” – “birds of a feather flock together” “what goes around comes around” “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” — and there are many more…
Apparently we also believe in Blame & Fault & Guilt — So we have a hard time believing in LOA when someone is sick — Because we think that is about Blame! This should not be about blame – why again must we find the thing/person to blame… And if we can’t find someone or something to blame – them we will blame it on god or blame it on the evils of life!
Yet the Universe sees no evils – it just sees what is – and within the what is that we term, right, wrong, evil, unjust – it only sees the perfection of love.
The Universe is not worried about your death – as we don’t die – we just change form – into another dimension…. So in the end it is always OK – as there is no end…
Thanks for a lively discussion…..
Ellen and Ellie,
This post was responding to people who believe, and preach, that the Law of Attraction means we can do and have anything we want. It sounds as if we agree— life isn’t nearly that simple! Thanks so much for joining the conversation.
Ellie Walsh says “Thanks for a lively discussion.” YOU make a lively discussion- very good points. Thank you.
Ellen and Ellie,
If I’m hearing you correctly, Ellen believes the Universe is benign, that whatever happens is good even if we don’t understand it. And Ellie seems to believe that “good” and “evil” are our interpretations, the universe only sees the perfection of Love, and in the end everything is OK. How did you come to believe in your versions of the Law of Attraction? How does your version affect what you do in life?
My background is in science, so I think in terms of theories. I personally think our little minds are too small to really understand what’s going on. I’d love to hear more about where you both are coming from. ๐
I believe we always have a choice how to view events that occur in our life. I do not believe we have control over all the events that happen.
A Law of Attraction in a sense makes you responsible for everything good and bad that happensin your life. I do not think people draw harmful and hurtful events to themselves.
I know this is contrary to opinions expressed by others with much more power and influence than myself. But I believe is random and we have control over how to respond to the lovely myriad of things thrown into our path, good and bad.
I think when you subscribe to the LOA you give another reason for people to beat themselves up about being responsible for negative situations. I believe more that we are people of more profound love and grace even if we dont know it. I believe we never – either intentionally- or unintentionally create situations that would cause us to fear, to grieve, to be confronted with circumstances just so we can “grow”.
We have strong and bautiful minds that can control HOW to cope, HOW to transcend, HOW to be….but lets not give others reason to blames themselves for something that is difficult harmful and not within their most secret intentions to manifest into realty.
Thank you so much for coming by. I agree with you!