Born to Snuggle

Last week I used this Duncan cartoon:

But dogs aren’t the only animals born to snuggle. bikehikebabe sent me these pictures from the internet:

Photocredit uknown.
Photocredit uknown.
Photocredit uknown.

The comment with the pictures was

For Sale: One Useless Cat

That was a joke of course, but useless? I think not, and I’ll bet many of the millions of pet owners in the world would agree with me. I personally love to snuggle and think this cat would bring joy to the family lucky enough to have it. What do you think? Have you ever had a pet that has brought joy to your life?

Thank you for sending the pictures, bikehikebabe!
And thanks to bikehikebabe, Evan, Grannymar, Mike, Looney, gaelikaa and Rummuser for commenting on last week’s post.
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17 Responses to Born to Snuggle

  1. Looney says:

    The cat is just taking advantage of the snuggle benefits before eating the mouse. Perfectly normal behavior as I see it.

    We had a poodle when I was a kid that gave me years of entertainment. I would love to have a dog again, but I am too mobile to provide proper care. Sigh.
    .-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.

    • Jean says:

      “The cat is just taking advantage of the snuggle benefits before eating the mouse. ” What a cynic. 😉 I’m hopelessly sentimental and sappy.

  2. suzen says:

    Hi Jean!
    Cute pictures! Maybe there is no such thing as a natural born enemy? I’ve always had pets and every one of them filled me with joy!
    .-= suzen´s last blog ..DO BE a DO BE =-.

  3. Rummuser says:

    Cats and dogs too are supposed to be adversaries but in domestic conditions they seem to be quite comfortable with each other. These are nice pictures. I bet that if I were to offer to buy that cat, the owner would not sell, useless or not!
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Pakistan,India And The USA. =-.

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    I’ve read, heard over & over that you’ll be happier, more relaxed, live longer if you have a pet.

    You can’t beat that BUT… cats wake you up at night to go out. Dogs bark if kept in a fenced yard, & mud they track in. There’s the petfood bills, vet bills, & kennel bills when you go away.

    But I do love cats & dogs.

  5. Grannymar says:

    Animals leave me cold. Perhaps knowing someone in my family circle who had two dogs and two cats that rule the house, walk all over the counter tops, look to be fed from the table and sleep on the owners bed! Yes, all four animals and one human in one bed! It is enough to make me vomit.

    The image of a cat sniffing at and licking the cat before doing the same to a human…. All that comes to mind is Weil’s Disease.
    .-= Grannymar´s last blog ..Food Monday ~ Pancetta Wrapped Chicken Breasts =-.

    • Jean says:

      Fortunately not everyone with pets are that unhygienic. 🙂 I have to admit, seeing happy dogs always lifts my spirits. If I’m out or seeing an advertisement and see a child I don’t react. If I see a happy dog it immediately grabs my attention. There was an ad about depression asking “Who does depression hurt?” The answer was everyone. They showed the various members of the family, including a sad looking dog, and it was the dog that touched my heart most.

  6. Grannymar says:

    I was so worked up that I mis-typed, it should read: ‘The image of a cat sniffing at and licking the rat before doing the same to a human….’
    .-= Grannymar´s last blog ..Food Monday ~ Pancetta Wrapped Chicken Breasts =-.

  7. bikehikebabe says:

    How ’bout this image. A dog licking the behind of another dog before giving you a wet kiss on the face.

    • Jean says:

      I like my mental images better than yours. 😉 One of my favorite bumper stickers said, “I’ve given up my search for truth. Now I’m looking for a good fantasy.” So I tend to be selective in my view of animals.

  8. Jean says:

    We live in an apartment and the only pets we had were gerbils when my daughter was little. Even something as small as that can lift our spirits.

    My daughter’s cats and dogs can’t be left alone together. The cats tend to run and the dogs have a strong prey drive and can’t resist chasing. My daughter was disappointed but just keeps them apart. They’re not really adversaries, except for Hass, one of the cats, who can’t resist taunting the dogs from a safe position. 😉

  9. gaelikaa says:

    Oh, I love animals but I do agree with Grannymar that they should be kept hygeinically. Not that I think that that would be a problem for anyone connected to this webside. It was an adorable photo, Jean.
    .-= gaelikaa´s last blog ..An Alternative Profession =-.

  10. Cathy in NZ says:

    I had oodles of cats for years…one of their main problems is that they never ‘listen’ – they never ‘grow up’ – their ‘bad habits can never be retrained’

    the best problem we had was sooooo funny it was quite cute, heaven knows how his stomach coped:

    we had a bunch of silk flowers in a mini vase that was on the heath by a gas fire. One evening, I said to my partner “have you been cutting the green fronds that ‘were’ in with it?” reply NO! So we were mysterfied until one evening when Spencer came into the room and proceeded to nibble a little bit more of the plastic green frond – that looked like grass but WASN’T!

    mystery solved…but did not matter where we put that darn bunch because a few weeks later we found that Spencer was on the shelving unit demolishing the very last frond!

    no more pets will live with me now…I hardly have time to vacuum the house as it is!
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..I’ve regained that nice brain again =-.

    • Jean says:

      Years ago I planted some herbs on my porch. A neighbor’s cat used to love the chives.

      I don’t have a pet because I couldn’t do it justice either. Also, we’ve lived in this apartment for over 30 years now and it’s my home. No pets allowed. Thank goodness the animal shelter is close by.

  11. bikehikebabe says:

    I don’t have pets either, but I pet the neighbor’s. Let them in to visit when they get out of their fenced yards.

  12. Jean says:

    That’s a great way to enjoy dogs. My next post is about the work involved in giving responsible care to four-legged members of the family.

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