Still a Mess

The security scans still aren’t working correctly. I phoned again yesterday and the fellow on duty was very friendly. He gave me a lot more information, but when he tried to set up my account again it still wouldn’t work. So he wrote a ticket for the experts and they’re supposed to set it up, do new scans, and email within 24 hours. We’ll just have to see how it goes.

In the meantime I’ve decided I should remove unused plugins and themes and save old posts somewhere else so cheerfulmonk is more streamlined. I started working on that last night, but I’ll do it gradually. As usual, the adventure continues.

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2 Responses to Still a Mess

  1. Rummuser says:

    Removing the unused plugins is a brilliant move. When my site was attacked by malware, that was what Ranjan did.

  2. Jean says:

    Could you ask him which plugins caused the problem? Assuming he remembers — as always, I’m curious. As I recall Conrad hid to give up his site because he couldn’t resolve his problems. That was too bad.

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