Patience and Forgiveness

How much patience do you have? How do you feel about forgiveness?

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13 Responses to Patience and Forgiveness

  1. nick says:

    I’m a very patient person and a very forgiving person. I don’t see the point in holding grudges against people for years on end, especially over something that was probably quite accidental or unintentional in the first place. My father held endless grudges and it just turned him into a bitter and nasty person.

    • Jean says:

      I think if someone did something egregious I would try to stay clear of them in the future, but I agree, holding grudges only hurts ourselves — and the poor people who have to live with us.

  2. Rummuser says:

    I am patience personified. Nothing has happened to me in a very long time for me to consider forgiving anybody.

  3. bikehikebabe says:

    I don’t hold grudges. And I don’t think anyone is “wronging” me. But I don’t like being patient. What I want, I what NOW!!!

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    standard response “it depends”

    at times I believe I am patient but I know that isn’t really true…

    BTW loved the clip 🙂

    • Jean says:

      I loved the clip, too. Those dogs were impressive!

      It sounds as if you are patient sometimes. I assume it depends on what the situation is?

  5. Evan says:

    I’m not sure.

    I’m happy to keep working at something. But as soon as I think it’s futile I’ll stop.

    Forgiveness. Complicated. I won’t put myself in the hands of someone I’ve found to be unsafe. But I don’t hold grudges (keep the feeling).

    • Jean says:

      I agree that there’s no sense in poisoning our lives by hanging on to grudges. And when a situation is out of my hands and all I can do is wait, I try to shift my attention to something else rather than feeling frustrated.

  6. tammyj says:

    I LOVE THIS !!!!
    you know i’m not patient. old news. very old news. LOL.
    but I just LOVED THIS !!!!
    thanks monk! xoxo

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