Light Bulb Moments

The past few weeks I’ve had a number of light bulb moments, where solutions to problems I’ve put on the back burner have suddenly come to me. Whenever that happens I think of a story by a woman who was trying to train a dog to help a handicapped woman. She was trying to teach the dog to carry the woman’s purse by the handle. But try as he might, the dog couldn’t get the concept. So the woman decided it was best to stop and try again the next day.

The next morning as she started waking, the dog was sitting by the bed — obviously excited but being polite and trying not to bother her. Then when she got up he ran to get the purse and pranced around the room, carrying its handle in his mouth. He was showing her he had gotten it. He had had a light bulb moment.

That pup is one of my kindred spirits. Do you have any kindred spirits? Light bulb moments? When you have light bulb moments, do you prance around the room rejoicing?


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19 Responses to Light Bulb Moments

  1. nick says:

    No, I don’t prance around the room, but I do often think, Of course, of course, why on earth didn’t I think of that before, it seems so obvious! It’s wonderful the way the brain chews something over and suddenly provides the elusive answer.

  2. Evan says:

    When I have light bulb moments I tend to relax and lie back

    • Jean says:

      For me it depends upon how much work I put into the problem before the answer comes. Sometimes the answers are worth celebrating.

  3. Alan G says:

    Not aware of any kindred spirits whatsoever. As to those light bulb moments, don’t recall any recent ones but unlike you with all the dancing and prancing my light bulb moments usually bring to light (no pun intended) a strong indication I’m not near as smart as I think I am!

    Most of my light bulb moments have slowly evolved into ‘senior moments’ I fear. Like a few weeks ago when I looked for almost a half-hour for my burgundy corduroy shirt only to realize (light bulb moment if you must) in the end that I was wearing it!

  4. Rummuser says:

    It is only proper that my light bulb moment preceded my visiting this post and finding Nick as the first commentator! You will find that light bulb moment in my latest post on Hurt. No, I did not prance around shouting Eureka, but it was very satisfying to find that story finally.

  5. KB says:

    That’s a great story, and I see that when I train my pups too. They seem to figure things out in between training sessions, which is SO cool to see. It definitely happens to me too, mostly while I am exercising. I’ll find my mind is working over a problem incessantly, and the answer is obvious by the time I’m finished. Great story!

    • Jean says:

      Thanks for coming by. As you know, I read your posts every day — I’ve especially been thinking of the picture of Shyla and R snuggling together.

      You take gorgeous pictures!

  6. bikehikebabe says:

    Sometimes I feel very clever & sometimes I stupid for not thinking of it before.

    • Jean says:

      For me it’s just nice to have the problem settled. And it doesn’t have to be me that solves it. I had a problem with my theme on one of my subdomains and was putting off fixing it because I thought it would take a lot of time. It wasn’t that important to me, but suddenly I wanted it off my Possibility List. I was tired of seeing it there. So I phoned my hosting service’s tech support and the gal fixed it in no time. What a relief!

  7. tammyj says:

    i have light bulb moments. at least to me they are. and therein lies the big difference.
    and i’ve been known to prance for sure.
    but like wilson . . . alias alan g . . . sometimes before i can share them they turn into
    senior moments! he just cracked me up. LOL.
    i love that dog.
    not wilson. he’s definitely not a dog!
    i mean the dog in your story. but then i love all dogs. those who carry purses … or not.

  8. Cathy in NZ says:

    lightbulb moments abound here…but then again, I don’t have anyone to give me a hint, or see that I have whatever right by me…

    (Alan my problem is a shirt but rather which pair of spectacles I’m wearing – general all rounder or for computer)

    I’m partially with the “dog” – I will sleep on and in the waking moments or during the snooze time – it will arrive.

    Some of the moments may have absolutely nothing to do with lightbulb. Although it is handy when you are questioning a “something” and quickly you scan your brain/mind to see if it will fit…

    Yesterday at the school fair, other bits – twice I realised that the item that was basically an entertainment for a child had the potential be part of superbly crafted art piece! And the price was more than right…

    • Cathy in NZ says:

      missed out “Not” a shirt /Alan

    • Alan G says:

      Same here on the glasses Cathy – one pair for gawking and one pair for reading & the computer! 🙂

    • Jean says:

      I used to have trouble keeping track of my various glasses/spectacles. I finally went to and bought several pairs for each prescription. Now if I can’t find where I left the pair I need, I go to the drawer and get another one. When the lost one shows up it goes into the drawer for the future. You can’t imagine how much time that has saved me over the years. Talk about luxury!

      I know what you mean about exploring, then scanning the brain to see if something fits with something else. I do that when I read the news. What does this piece relate to — will it make a good blog post? It’s really fun when something clicks.

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