A Minor Miracle?

The pictures of Shyla in her boots reminds me of the carpal pad Montana sliced and partially detached from her leg back in 2012. Kaitlin and Torben had to keep it bandaged in place and it took months for it to heal.



By January 2013 the vet thought it wasn’t healing and needed surgery. But when Kaitlin and Torben brought her in at the scheduled time, the vet said it looked fine — it was healed. How’s that for a minor miracle?!

Has anything like that ever happened to you?


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8 Responses to A Minor Miracle?

  1. tammyj says:

    i do believe in miracles. minor or otherwise.
    and yes. one did happen for me. but far too much to type here though.
    i love those beautiful grand doggy faces looking up so intently.
    just want to HUG THEM!!!

  2. Rummuser says:

    Chutki had her left hind leg broken and in plaster and her right hind leg totally useless as it was shattered along the hip. You have got to see her now jumping on to beds, chairs, sofas and running up and down the staircases.

    • tammyj says:

      a miracle called LOVE!
      and a safe and happy and healing home with her three dear people now.
      any hurt puppy would get better with that kind of care and love.
      i’m so thrilled she’s okay now.

    • Jean says:

      Does your camera have the capability of taking short videos? We would love to see her in action.

  3. KB says:

    I love miracles and that sounds like one!

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    I’m not sure I have ever been a dog who needed a miracle…maybe I was one in an earlier life but then again if I had been, I doubt a vet would have been involved…

    sorry, having to find a miracle to help someone, who is relying on someone else who doesn’t quite get the picture…

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