Yay, Cat!

A surveillance camera taped a child being attacked by a neighborhood dog. Fortunately, the family cat came to the rescue:



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18 Responses to Yay, Cat!

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    I’ve always liked cats better than dogs. They don’t smell when wet, track mud into your house, jump up on you, dig holes in the yard, sniff you, bark their heads off, collect ticks, hump your leg, cause vet bills. I’m sure I’ll think of more as soon as I push Post Comment.

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    Have bad breath, cost with all the dog food they eat, cost to board in kennel when you leave town, fine payed when they are caught roaming…

    • Jean says:

      I visit several posts about dogs every day for my doggie fix. Much easier than messing with one of my own. ๐Ÿ™‚ My main objection is I would be a sucker for soulful looks when they wanted to play, go for a walk.

  3. Rummuser says:

    I too found it incredible but I am told on excellent authority that cats come to the rescue of women if attacked by males. I am just passing on the information without prejudice.

  4. tammyj says:

    i love dogs.
    but if you have a dog that you know is aggressive… WHY would you let it run free?
    i’d accompany the police to the dog’s owner’s front door. and charges would be filed.
    he seemed to be more after the tricycle wheel than the child thank god. and yet the little one still got hurt. so scary.
    what a COURAGEOUS little kitty! wow. wonderful.

  5. tammyj says:

    i just read further. many think that this video was ‘staged’ because of the camera not behaving like a regular surveillance camera… in other words stationery. it said the camera shot followed the dog. which a surveillance camera on a roof or whatever… could not do. unless the footage was spliced from still shots. it went on to say that videos like this have some connection with companies with youtube and it has become a ‘cottage industry.’ that is confusing to me. how it would even work.
    but if it’s true… it still it looked very real. i have become leary of anything i see on this internet anymore. there are such talented people out there with cameras and creative license. did anyone else read about this being staged?

    • bikehikebabe says:

      Interesting observation about a surveillance camera.
      But I don’t see the dog going after the wheel. There’s a protruding leg to grab. Dogs mame people everyday. Cats don’t do that. I win. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • tammyj says:

      you win.
      except… have you ever been ‘punctured’ by an angry cat? i have!
      almost as bad!
      hey… did you guys notice that the mother doesn’t even bother to pick up the little boy? she just runs into the house. he picks himself up and walks in after her. i think most little boys would lie there crying. pretty courage little guy himself! the mother in my book either panicked or is not showing much maternal instinct. kinda like “save myself mode” or something.
      i’d think she should have carried him in! or at least made sure he could walk!

    • bikehikebabe says:

      Yes. I saw that too. She gets the prize for Bad Mother of the Year award.

    • Jean says:

      There were three surveillance cameras. They don’t move, but the video shifts between them. I was horrified at first that the mother ran inside, but she may have been calling 911 or other help. The experience was traumatic for her too, so I think we should cut her some slack.

      It would be interesting to hear what happened to the dog.

    • Jean says:

      Cat bites can be bad. I’ve read that a fair percentage of them mean a trip to the ER for the owner’s. That happened to my sister once.

  6. Ursula says:

    If one more person does bring this clip to my attention I shall lock myself in the bathroom till something else happens.

    I am with Tammy on this one. To me there seemed something staged about it. I have seen cats fight dogs – and the dog is often the loser.

    As I said to the Angel – and he was slightly annoyed at my take: We often interpret an animal’s actions from our human angle. We do. Cats like chasing things; so that moving dog an ideal diversion. Who knows.

    Other than that: I second BHB’s “worst mother” award. You’d sweep up your child, take it inside and THEN dial 999. In that order.


  7. Alan G says:

    For the naysayers: Take the burning question of legitimacy simply away and mellow out by taking a couple of minutes to do a fact check and go to the local newspaper for confirmationโ€ฆ.

    Dog Attacks Cat โ€“ Cat Attacks Dog โ€“ World Cheers

    • Jean says:

      Thank you! I had a lot of questions which the article answered. What happened to the dog? Why the surveillance cameras? Etc. You made this information junkie happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

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