Unpredictable Weather

The forecasters have been having a lot of trouble predicting the weather lately. The past few days the forecasts for a single day have ranged from snowy to partially cloudy to sunny. In fact, we’ve had three beautiful sunny days.

Down here it was about 55°F yesterday afternoon. As you can see from the graph, that’s unusually high for this time of year.


What a difference from last Tuesday! It was supposed to be cold and partly cloudy. It was more than just “partly”.

Kaitlin, Torben, and Andy

Kaitlin, Torben, and Andy

Andy and me.

Andy and me.

It was definitely cold — about 9°F when we took the walk (2.6 miles), and the wind was brisk by the house, but once we got off the hill we were protected from it. It was a great day.



We do like the sunshine too, though!


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10 Responses to Unpredictable Weather

  1. Mike says:

    Our forecasters have been close to the mark for the near term forecast. Out past a few days and it keeps changing. We’re already way ahead on precipitation for the new year. We had 3.5 inches earlier in the week. We’re plunging into below freezing temperatures for several days… or so the forecast says.

    • Jean says:

      Your forecasters are doing a lot better than ours!

      One site can’t even predict the next couple of days correctly but has daily predictions for the next couple of months. How crazy can you get?

  2. Rummuser says:

    Our forecasters too have been quite accurate and the unusually cold December/January continues. It is nowhere near your temperatures but colder than normal for us.

  3. tammy j says:

    what wonderful pictures!
    i can feel the fresh snow air from here! xo?

    • tammy j says:

      not questioning that hug!
      when i put the heart after it . . . it becomes a question mark here.
      nowhere else but here.
      that makes you special! XO? and NOW it shows as a heart!!! LOLOL.
      i guess it’s when it’s in caps. sending you a GREAT CAPITAL hug then! ?

    • Jean says:

      It was snowing gently. And you’re right, it was great in spite of the cold.

  4. nick says:

    So far this winter, we haven’t had any snow in Northern Ireland. The papers keep publishing scare-you-rigid stories about non-stop Arctic conditions but so far they’ve all been totally wrong.

    • Jean says:

      It would be interesting to understand how they can be so wrong sometimes. Glad the weather hasn’t been as dire as they predicted!

  5. Cathy in NZ says:

    Auckland region has always had problems – the tiny thin strip of land is parented on one side by Tasman Sea/Australia and on the other the great expanse of the Pacific Ocean… which brings all kinds of storms from the equator arena

    It’s no mean feat to actually get what the weather gurus actually predict – often they will hedge their bets and have a “3-seasons in one day”

    At the rate this month is going it won’t be long before we will be draught mode…I think I saw/felt “6 spits of rain” last week…

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