Our Sweet Old Fellow


Sammy is at the vet’s now, scheduled for surgery this morning to treat his breathing problems from laryngeal paralysis. Montana describes here how he stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest.

When the vet talked to Kaitlin and Torben about the dangers of the surgery, one of them was Sammy is “so danged cute” that he may get spoiled rotten. And apparently he is charming everyone there. As Montana says,

…we just talked with the attending vet and she said Sammy is the star of the ER as not only is he smashingly gorgeous but he is one of their success stories which is apparently rare when it comes to canine resuscitation.

Yay, Sammy, superstar! Best wishes, sweet one.


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6 Responses to Our Sweet Old Fellow

  1. Rummuser says:

    Yes, he is a super star indeed.

  2. Jean says:

    In dog years he’s older than we are! (He’s 12 1/2 years old.)

  3. Cindi says:

    I’m concentrating hard on the photo of handsome Sammy.
    Sending out positive healing thoughts!

  4. Sending good vibes for this most special boy!!

  5. Jean says:

    Cindi and Kim,
    Thank you both. He seems to be doing fine after the surgery and should go home tomorrow. 🙂

  6. tammy j says:

    OH MONK!
    i am only just now visiting my favorite blogs again today.
    to know that sammy went into cardiac arrest.
    i would have been so worried!
    and now i can breathe easier.
    and yes. he’s such a love. just his smile alone lets you know that. oh my sammy.

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