Montana with Raven and Caterpillar

Sammy may have trouble barking, but Montana doesn’t. Especially if she sees a raven flying overhead.

On the other hand, she’s quietly curious when she sees a caterpillar.

Thank you, Torben, for the videos. 🙂


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8 Responses to Montana with Raven and Caterpillar

  1. tammy j says:

    oh my gosh.
    that caterpillar and that little black nose … movie magic right there.
    i felt such love for both! the tiny creature and the sweet montana being so gentle. oh torben. and monk. thank you! made my whole day right there!

  2. Cathy in NZ says:

    what does tha caterpillar grow intom – looked like a giant here

  3. Cindi says:

    ooooh how sweet and gentle!
    Montana is such a kind dog.
    That poor caterpillar would have been slurped up in this house immediately!

    • Jean says:

      Montana wouldn’t be quite as gentle with rabbits, if she ever caught one. She does love to chase them if she gets the chance. Driving up to the land there are a lot of them in or at the side of the road. Sometimes they just hop off to the side, sometimes they run across the road in front of the car, so one has to drive slowly and be ready to stop. Montana gets excited and clearly wants to go outside and chase them.

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