
As the years go by Andy and I have more and more trouble juggling, so we keep simplifying our life. We still make big messes sometimes.


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19 Responses to Juggling

  1. tammy j says:

    i’m thinking if my life gets much simpler… i’ll become a real simpleton! LOL!
    you’ve reminded me that i need to get out my calvin and hobbes books.
    i have them all. i usually re~read them this time of year. i just love’em!

  2. Audra E says:

    We’re looking at a super giant cedar tree that has to come down before it falls in a big windstorm. And we’re looking at repair and restoration of a dishwasher leak that dribbled down under the floor and is now feeding mold. Definitely time to simplify… but how?

  3. Cindi says:

    I told my sister today that as soon as I’ve cleared all the STUFF out of my house and sold it all in my “booth” that I would close the booth and only focus on working on my Art. Because that is what I really ALL I want to do.
    And that I was spending too much TIME on working on my “booth”.
    Yep, just a simple life, making Art.
    Then I picked up the check for last month and suddenly I want to do it ALL again!
    I don’t mind juggling, I just need more hours in the day.

    • Jean says:

      Your job is so demanding I’m amazed you get anything else done. I wouldn’t have the stamina. Good for you! And good luck on getting more art done.

  4. I’ve missed Calvin and Hobbes — And they’re right, especially about being persistent!

  5. Cathy in NZ says:

    Life is full of tones, shades and hues – you create what you want through eveyrthing including any messes 🙂

    • Jean says:

      My motto is, “Stay curious and open to life. No matter what happens keep learning and growing. Find what you love and find a way to share it with others.” And my favorite prayer when things don’t go the way I had wished them to is, “Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity. I sure hope you know what you’re doing.” I don’t believe in God, but I do love that prayer. 🙂

  6. The important thing is never to give up! I always feel, if we keep at it, we will get it right sooner or later!

  7. nick says:

    Luckily right now I don’t have too many things to juggle in my life, so giving them all equal attention is quite easy. I had a lot more to juggle when I was younger, especially with a full-time job. I’m not sure how I kept up with everything!

  8. Rummuser says:

    But the important thing is the persistence!

  9. Ursula says:

    Persistence is key. May our camels’ backs never brake.

    To paraphrase the old chestnut “when life hands you lemons make lemonade”: When your eggs brake scramble them, bake a cake, smear them into your hair as an instant remedy to boredom when trying to rinse them out afterwards, or just use rubber eggs whilst in training.


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