Elite Disdain

This cartoon explains why so many people are supporting Donald Trump:


Click on picture for higher resolution.

And this one shows the elite’s disdain for the little guy:


Click on picture for higher resolution.

The New York Times in its article How the G.O.P. Elite Lost Its Voters to Donald Trump explains the situation in more detail, and Peggy Noonan sums it up beautifully with this example from England:

On April 28, 2010, in Rochdale, England, Britain’s then prime minister accidentally performed a great public service by revealing what liberal Western leaders think of their people.

At a campaign stop a 65-year-old woman named Gillian Duffy approached him and shared her concerns regarding crime, taxes and immigration. Mr. Brown made a great show of friendliness and appreciation. Then, still wearing a live mic, he got into his Jaguar, complained to his aides about “that woman” and said, “She’s just a sort of bigoted woman who said she used to be Labour.”

That was the authentic sound of the Western elite. Labour lost the election. But the elites have for a long time enjoyed nothing more than sneering at the anger and “racism” of their own people. They do not have the wisdom to understand that if they convincingly attempted to protect the people and respected their anxieties, the people would feel far less rage.

Amen to that.


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15 Responses to Elite Disdain

  1. tammy j says:

    the tiger is out of the cage and they now have him by the tail.
    I truly don’t think he’ll succeed in getting the presidency.
    but if he does… we’re in for a weird ride.
    he’s such a loose cannon. that’s what scares and irritates me.
    insiders say he’s not all the big brash bluff he’s letting on. but that’s even worse… to think there’s the ‘real’ him that we don’t even know? good grief.
    this election will go down as one for the books!
    ya gotta love political cartoonists! LOLOL
    well. any cartoonists really. I think they’re some of the most courageous and brilliant minds we have.

    • Jean says:

      The Trump supporters are sending a loud message. The question is, “Are the political elites too stupid to hear it?

  2. Rummuser says:

    All I can say, not being an American, is that I find it all very interesting. Not only the Trump phenomenon, but also the Clinton / Sanders contest. From this distance, it would seem to me that this time around too the Democrats stand a better chance of getting their person into the White House next year.

    • Jean says:

      A lot of people think Clinton will be our next president. But Sanders appeals to the young folks, so that might be an omen for the future.

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    Also not being in USA – means I understand very little about the whole political shebang – you have. Time will tell I guess, on the outcome.

    • Jean says:

      Are your voters as angry as a lot of ours are? That’s the big issue.

    • Cathy in NZ says:

      some voters of course will be angry…it has recently been revealed that very few Maori voted in the flag referendum – which is interesting.

      some I think get more cheesed off over antics and PC stuff around election time…last elections was interesting and as it turned out for some a right let down – especially wannabe political parties to be voted in.

      If you’ve interested look for The Internet Party (NZ) – the Mana party lost out bigtime as well – quite sad in hindsight…

  4. Evan says:

    Impatience with the elites fuelled by anger makes good sense.

    But why not Bernie?

    Impatience with the elites being channeled into support for a billionaire: What’s wrong with this picture?

  5. nick says:

    I was reading somewhere that the public’s contempt for politicians is matched only by the politicians’ contempt for the voters. Sad that politics has degenerated to such a pitifully low level.

    • Jean says:

      The politicians live in a protected bubble and care more about themselves and their big donors than they do their constituents.

  6. nick says:

    Yesterday I watched Matt Frei’s interesting documentary on the rise and rise of Donald Trump. He’s perfected the politician’s trick of seeming to be utterly sincere and genuine and totally in tune with the voters’ concerns and frustrations. And he trots out the stale but wonderfully effective line “We’re going to make America great again”. Anyone who’s not hopelessly naive knows very well that if he became President the US would continue to decline while he sat in the White House totting up his increasing wealth.

  7. Cindi says:

    I’m praying for a miracle, that Bernie will win.

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