
March 20, 2017

April 1, 2017

What a difference a few days makes.


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11 Responses to Snow!

  1. Cathy in NZ says:


    at 3am this morning (Sunday) the clock sprung back – but other than the day light not being quite right, managed to sleep most of the night…

    a few people at my fibre group confused including my driver who looked at her car clock on our way home – and said “gosh we are later…” to which I said “did you change the clock yet?” “oh right”

    no change to the weather though – still crazy-as! But no SNOW!

    • Jean says:

      We’ve mostly been good about remembering to change the clocks. It helps that a lot of them change themselves. The majority of them are correct so it’s easy to notice the outliers. 🙂

  2. Kaitlin says:

    So amazing. I remember snow in June once when I was little. Curious to see what your May and June look like this year!

    Here we had a few days of no rain – still soggy – more on its way!

    • Jean says:

      It was more than once. Remember every year about the first weekend in June when the circus came to town? We huddled in our warm parkas on the stadium benches while the performers shivered in their leotards. I don’t think they loved our little town!

      I also remember David, Jane and Becky visiting one Memorial Day. We had a picnic on the land, complete with snow flurries. We lent them some spare parkas.

  3. tammy j says:

    ohmygoodness! still it looks beautiful.
    though maybe not to you. but you are taking it in stride I’m sure.
    I remember how I felt walking across the ice on the kettle river in northern minnesota the first week in april one year. just WEIRD!

  4. Linda Sand says:

    I’m always a little cautious believing anything posted on April first. 🙂

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