This Quote Made Me Laugh

Years ago when I was conducting my doctoral research on the evolutionary history of men among a remote indigenous community of hunter-gatherers living in the forests of South America, I came across a man donning a well-worn baseball cap likely donated by missionaries. The cap read, “There are three stages to a man’s life: Stud, Dud, Thud.” Indeed. It is somewhat sobering to see one’s life’s research summarized on a piece of headwear that can probably be found for a few dollars at a roadside truck stop. But such is the elegance of interesting science.
Why Men Don’t Live as Long as Women

The article points out women who have a lot of kids tend to wear out faster too.


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8 Responses to This Quote Made Me Laugh

  1. nick says:

    “Stud, Dud, Thud”. I like it. I wonder what the female version would be. “Mum, Glum, Shtum” ?

    (I still haven’t worked out why it now takes so long to access your web page – and the comments)

    • Jean says:

      I’m afraid I don’t know because I don’t have that problem. Do you have problems with any other blog?

    • nick says:

      No, just yours for some reason. It was fine until about two weeks ago, then suddenly it took ages to load your page, access comments, or post a comment.

  2. Rummuser says:

    Hilarious indeed. If you wait after the clip ends, you can see another hilarious one on women.

  3. Cathy in NZ says:

    people do the darnest of things!

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