
Our internet was out early this week because there was no power in the room. Andy reset the circuit breaker and figured it had tripped because of a nearby lightning strike. He was right. Notice the skinny, branchless tree across from the shed in this picture:

Here it is zoomed in:

And here are pictures of a chunk blown off and the damage done to the trunk.

No end of excitement up there.


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8 Responses to Lightning

  1. Rummuser says:

    Yes, you are living in exciting times!

    This is now viral –

  2. tammy j says:

    holy moly!
    just a little too close for comfort!
    lightning kills more people than any other storm each year.
    or so ‘they’ say anyway… the people who keep track of such things.
    but I think most of them occur on golf courses with the metal shaft of a golf club being held by upright golfers out in the open!

    • Jean says:

      Yes, I don’t like them being that close. We have lightning protection for the house but not the shed yet. Andy wants to keep a few dead trees standing around there as protection.

      Have you been affected by the recent earthquakes?

      Your mention of golf reminds me of Trump going for a three-week vacation to his favorite golf course. If only he would leave his tweeting device behind.

  3. Linda Sand says:

    In all our lives we have had a nearby lightening strike only once. Of course, it fried the motherboard in Dave’s computer. In spite of our surge protector. Lightening is a LOT of electricity. I’m glad no one was near your tree when it got hit.

    • Jean says:

      I’m glad no one was near too! Surge protectors are better than nothing, but it’s hard to make them completely lightning proof.

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    flashes of lightening often seen in our skies, usually with thunder and the of course that onerous rain…but I agree “too close for comfort for the shed, and Andy…”

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