We Don’t Always Need Words

Tempi is looking at Torben after he accidentally threw her pig into a tree. She would look at him, then at the pig in the tree, then back at him, etc. until he managed to get the pig down for her.

It reminds me of when Kaitlin was little. One Christmas we gave her a toy tool set, including a big plastic nut and bolt. A day or so after Christmas, when she was sure I was watching, she took the nut, climbed into Andy’s easy chair, looked straight at me and put the nut into her mouth. She knew full well what I would say, “Nuts aren’t for eating, they’re for putting into bolts.”

She then looked at the can of cashews on the table next to the chair and looked back at me. Oh yeah. I explained to her that it was confusing, the same word can mean different things.

We don’t always need words to communicate.


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6 Responses to We Don’t Always Need Words

  1. nick says:

    After all these years together, there are many things Jenny and I communicate to each other without words. Like whether we’re cold, or too hot, or ready for a cup of tea, or bored by a film we’re watching. It’s a very cosy feeling, knowing each other so well.

  2. Sometimes a glance is worth a hundred words. I think the original saying is ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ but this is close enough! I love seeing the snow. We are being told that there is no such thing happening here for Christmas!

  3. tammy j says:

    and the English language is chock full of those words that have several meanings!
    LOL! a cute story on both counts… Tempi and Katlin.
    and Nick is so right. it is cozy to have that kind of special sharing with someone.
    even though for not long… I think Bob and I already had it and would have had more. a secret communication that needed no words.

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