Memories Best Forgotten?

Happiness is good health and a poor memory.
—Ingrid Bergman

Do you have any memories that it would be better to forget? Do you have any that you treasure?


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13 Responses to Memories Best Forgotten?

  1. Cindi says:

    Unfortunately I have a lot of memories Iโ€™d like to forget.
    Actually my sister thinks Iโ€™ve blocked out quite a bit.
    Iโ€™m glad for that.
    I think itโ€™s rubbish that some people feel like you have to pull all that out and analyze it all.
    Living it once was enough, why open up old wounds?

    But I do have some good ones too.
    I try to focus on those.

  2. nick says:

    I’d go along with that. I have good health and a terrible memory and most of the time I’m happy and not at all prone to depression or nursing grievances or dwelling on past misfortunes. But if my health took a turn for the worse, I’m not sure that happiness would last.

  3. I suspect that people who have difficulty being happy at Christmas have memories of unhappy times during the holidays. Poverty during childhood, divorce of parents, family quarrels during Christmas dinner, might add to the stress and disappointments at Christmas, and hence the inability to celebrate the season. So yes, not being able to let go of these memories lived during a vulnerable time will cause unhappiness. Good topic, Jean.

  4. tammy j says:

    I think I agree with Cindi. what’s the point in re-hashing times that hurt?
    we all have them or we wouldn’t be humans with histories.
    but to go over and over them just seems pointless and a good way to sabotage our present happiness!

    • Jean says:

      I was at a workshop once where a woman was upset because her childhood was too perfect — it didn’t prepare her for life. It sure changed my perspective! We did our best to make sure Kaitlin wasn’t underdeprived. She received plenty of love and support, but she had challenges too.

  5. Cathy in NZ says:

    I have many memories – some of course absolutely fabulous – whilst others, really have to work sometimes to just let them be a memory and not overwhelm me.

    As to health – that is on the “upper end of disaster” right now, but I’m trying to curtail anything that makes it worse, not just this particular time of the year. I’m doing things on a “big spaced out pace mode” and it’s helping.

    • Jean says:

      I’m so sorry about the health issue. Good for you for taking care of yourself.

    • Cathy in NZ says:

      my health issues have always been “here” just not always on the front burners of the stove. Since the early 1990s…wax and wane. I hadn’t really noticed things weren’t crash hot this year – until I was recently when I was analysing my year, in the weeks up to now.

      I realised that something that happened in Dec last year, hadn’t actually completely disappeared, somehow I had limped along this year, and when I was “grounded” a couple of weeks ago by Dr Ali – I started thinking it was coming up to that Dec disaster last year; and I needed to curtail a whole lot of silly season stuff…

      I have curtailed it ๐Ÿ™‚ and for once I don’t feel the need to be part of it all ๐Ÿ™‚

      but the general parts of that particular disease/illness is not fading right now, so self-management has always been the best key, I just have to make sure I work with it…

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