Another Pup and Kitten


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8 Responses to Another Pup and Kitten

  1. tammy j says:

    and I thought the last one was wonderful! oh Monk.
    this is … well this is just priceless. thank you!
    I’m sending it to the Captain. Rosie looks identical to his little shipmate
    that he rescued and lived long and died in his arms on the sailboat. it might be sad for him but it will bring wonderful smiles too. and the message is loud and clear.
    we don’t have to be alike to LOVE each other!
    “are you listening humans?” 🙂

  2. .Rummuser says:

    These clips know exactly how to pluck the strings of the hearts of animal lovers!

  3. Cindi says:

    I LOVE this SO MUCH!
    I just shared this link to my sister.
    She has Huskies and several rescued cats.
    Thank you for sharing!

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