Flower Beds

Koko and Sammy agree with Farley.

July, 2014, from Torben and Kaitlin

August, 2014, from Torben and Kaitlin


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9 Responses to Flower Beds

  1. tammy j says:

    and he’s still in the bed and he’s still smiling i bet!
    and well…
    he could be like his incorrigible little sister…
    he could steal the fence and bring it indoors to chew on! LOL!

  2. haha, a dog’s life – Sammy looking like sweet-as – no one is going to tell me off over this stance…

  3. Cindi says:

    Ha! 😀
    Very cute and true!
    I have a ton of flowerbeds
    And a small army of dogs.
    My secret?
    I have the dogs contained to a specific area.
    Safety secured in the fenced-in patio.
    And all the flowerbeds are on the other side!

  4. .Rummuser says:

    I haven’t seen that happen yet in our garden but would not be surprised if it did after the redesigning exercise gets over and done with.

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