The Road to What?!

Andy and I burst out laughing at this one. Did anyone else find it funny?

Have you ever known someone who meant well but did more harm than good?


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12 Responses to The Road to What?!

  1. tammy j says:

    one of my Gram’s favorite sayings…
    the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    and the answer to your second question is ME!
    I tried to help Bob on many occasions. finally he told me once …
    “honey I love you. and I’m glad you’re trying to help. but you’re more like a pet raccoon.”

    • Jean says:

      We love that phrase too. And also Marlo Thomas’s,

      Some kind of help is the kind of help that helping’s all about.
      Some kind of help is the kind of help we can all do without.

      We use that one a lot. 😀

  2. The OP Pack says:

    Mom says she says this line to Dad often. He tries to help in many ways, but usually doesn’t quite get it right:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. nick says:

    I remember a bookshop manager I worked for who was set on improving people’s working methods and making the shop more efficient. He would micromanage everyone, hovering around and telling them what they should be doing differently. He got everyone’s backs up, created an unpleasant working environment, and the staff were greatly relieved when he upped sticks and started a new job somewhere else.

  4. Cindi says:

    This is me.
    Or was, I’m changing.
    In regards to things I “collect” and gather.
    Either because they were free or a great buy.
    All with the intent of doing some repair to the house in a cost effective way.
    I’ve finally, after all these years, have come to realize it would be better for me to work more at my “job” and pay someone else to do it with the proper materials.
    Yep, I’ve definitely had good intentions in the beginning!

    • Jean says:

      It’s just one more learning experience, I think. If you don’t try things you never learn anything. One of my favorite, and most forgiving, sentences is,

      If what you’re doing isn’t working, try something else.

      The two sentences before it are,

      What do you want?
      Is what you’re doing getting you closer to what you want?

      Sometimes the answers need a lot of thought and awareness! It’s not always obvious.

  5. Linda Sand says:

    We use the second line of Marlo Thomas’ song here a lot.

    • Jean says:

      We do too. We usually reserve “The road to hell…” for bigger fiascos where the people taking action are so sure they’re morally right that they don’t check to see what the results are.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    I like this one. Yes, I think I’ve paved a couple roads with good intentions myself. 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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