Not only have Grannymar and bikehikebabe had some parts replaced…a new hip for Grannymar and a hip and shoulders for bikehikebabe… but Grannymar can share her recovery with us via YouTube.
Modern technology can be wonderful, but as Grannymar’s blog and video show, it can’t replace gumption and a sense of humor. Thanks, Grannymar. You made my day. 🙂
Jean, laughter certainly helps. This morning I walked a mile. Unfortunately the local area is hilly, so it was up and down all the way. Singing ‘Its a long way to Tipperary’ certainly helped! Boy, am I glad I didn’t have to walk to Tipperary and back…. maybe next week. 😉
.-= Grannymar´s last blog ..Food Monday ~ Stuffed Tomatoes =-.
I understand your Getting Out of Bed video perfectly. You need the rest & it feels sooo good just to lie there. But at the pre-op lecture, she said, “We don’t want you lying around. We want you up & about.”
BHB, I am often up at about 8am, since Elly works four hours a day besides looking after all my needs I decided to stay put on Saturday to let her sleep in a little. Paid nurses get time off. Then she had the vacuum out, so the best place for me was up on the bed and out of the way. I have one long and two shorter walks every day. Thankfully the weather has been kind with very little rain and only one frosty morning so far. Long may it last.
.-= Grannymar´s last blog ..Food Monday ~ Stuffed Tomatoes =-.
Jean, Ditto!
.-= Rummuser´s last blog ..The Complicated Me? =-.
grannymar–not one mile a day but THREE hikes! you’re my inspiration. i was weak from my shoulder replacement & that set me back a week with my walking for the hip. now i’m inspired. HIP HIP HORRAY
I agree with bikehikebabe. You’re an inspiration!
Grannymar is looking great! The doctors must have been great and of course Elly’s care is marvellous, but all those rosaries I said for her must have done something too.
.-= gaelikaa´s last blog ..The Beautician in the Kitchen! =-.