Having Fun

A lot of people write about how adults have lost the ability to play, to have fun. As I’ve said before, I’ve never grown up. This picture is a great symbol for how I spend most of my time:

Sure I had fun when I was kid, but I was often bored and didn’t have the power to do anything about it. Now I do. On the whole I’m having a lot more fun now than I did then.

What about you?

I suppose I should point out I have an unusual idea of fun. Our 2010 taxes are going to be more complicated than our 2009 ones, so I’ve been playing around with TurboTax to get a feeling for how to handle them. Then I was curious to see how the other major tax-preparation software, H & R Block, was different so I ordered it from amazon. (I waited until April 15th and bought it at two-thirds regular price.) Curiosity is a powerful motivator for me.

What can I say? Maybe one secret of having fun as an adult is to have weird tastes?

What do you think?

Thanks to bikehikebabe, Mike, Evan, Looney, Rummuser, suzen, gaelikaa, and Ursula for commenting on last week’s post.
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20 Responses to Having Fun

  1. Evan says:

    I’m having lots more fun now that I did as a kid. (The idea that kids are always having fun is either an adult’s fantasy or from people who had a very different childhood to mine.)

    Curiosity certainly helps.
    .-= Evan´s last blog ..Our Baggage =-.

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    Now THAT’S weird. Having fun with income tax.

    I’m bored. Today is gray/grey. Tom went with our dinner guests to see a deer trap. The Indians made a deep hole in rock, covered opening with branches, deer fell through, they retrieved deer to eat. It’s nearby. I’m not up to going just yet. Might fall off cliff.
    I’m not so bored now

  3. tikno says:

    Your weird tastes is rare here in Indonesia
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..Long journey for alcoholic beverage in Indonesia =-.

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    Small world, tikno. I was born in Indonesia (a long, long time ago). Sumatra. My father was an American working there at the time. I have a pic of very thin people squatting in a circle. Indonesians don’t squat so much anymore & are fatter, no?

  5. Looney says:

    Jean, I was bored until I came across your post. You will let us know which tax program provides the lowest tax bill, won’t you?
    .-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.

  6. Jean says:

    I agree!

    Yes, I think it’s a good idea to stay away from holes in the ground and the sides of mesas. 🙂

    I’m sure my weird tastes are unusual her in the U.S. too. 🙂

    Thanks for the laugh. 🙂

    I’m curious to see if H & R does it correctly. TurboTax made a mistake until I figured out what it was doing wrong. I am impressed with the amount of information TurboTax gives us. It was easy enough to see that it had a problem.

  7. tikno says:


    Halo, apa kabar? (Can you speak Indonesian?).
    Sumatra Island is located in the western part of Indonesian territory.

    Indonesia is one of the countries that does not have a significant impact due to the last global crisis, so we don’t squat.
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..Long journey for alcoholic beverage in Indonesia =-.

  8. Cathy in NZ says:

    I have a smattering knowledge of the country Indonesia but no language. I am taking Asian Studies at University and one of the American lecturers specialises completely in Indonesia so any course, usually features some item to do with the country and he gives that lecture.
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..whew that went fast…back to the coalface on Monday =-.

  9. Cathy in NZ says:

    I am mostly having fun, even at times I wish I didn’t have to look in as many books, articles, online journals to find the other information…I mostly love my new life at University 😉

    But today, I was back after the break, and just as I got up to my Disability space I realised I had left behind at home some essentials for the computer: my memory stick with the current essay on; my computer glasses which makes looking at the computer easier; my digital recorder for recording todays ‘revision lecture’ for the test this coming Wednesday.

    I thought…have I got time to get back home, then back NO!

    So I put up with the problems and typed some stuff on my other essay: saved it to the computer: then sent it home from Uni email to home email! But before all that happened…the darn fire alarm went off – 100s of students out of the library and the lecture spaces in the basement. Even fire engines with men with hoses (they didn’t seem to use said hoses).

    When to my lecture which was short and sweet and not too complex to remember…went back to space to get something from my locker. Opened said locker “everything spilled out onto the floor about a 5′ drop” – one folder full of notes exploded out of said folder. After I had put back all notes discovered that the clips on folder/BUST – so I had to dump folder and now have found another at home to take in tomorrow 🙂

    hopefully I will remember to pack my plastic tool box in my bag!

    so many fun and games to be had when you aren’t functioning properly 🙂
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..whew that went fast…back to the coalface on Monday =-.

  10. Rummuser says:

    Jean, do I need to comment? You know how much I am having 24/7!
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..A Dental Story With A Moral =-.

  11. bikehikebabe says:

    Halo, apa kabar? (Can you speak Indonesian?). No tikno. I was a baby when we returned to USA, but my father (later) said This Little Pig (goes to market…) in Malaysian.

    Two days ago I went to a party where there was a Malaysian man there & he said This Little Pig in Malaysian. Small world.

  12. bikehikebabe says:

    Cathy in NZ, sorry about your day. But I’m glad too because I don’t want to be the only one with days like that.

  13. tikno says:

    Here the popular products from New Zealand are milk, cheese, and fruits. If I want to eat apple, the first thing that came to my mind is apple New Zealand.
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..Long journey for alcoholic beverage in Indonesia =-.

  14. gaelikaa says:

    Well, Ramana is a huge exception (I don’t mean literally) but where I am everybody is way too serious. When I’m at family gatherings, I tend to hang out with the younger crowd, who are much more into having a laugh.

    My inner child is very much present, because I love doing things with the kids like eating ice cream and playing on swings. When I was pregnant last time, we were walking in the local park on a hot summer night, and I couldn’t resist the temptation to get up on the swings, maybe I forgot my seven month pregnant condition. The baby started kicking like mad and I had to get down. We still laugh over this…

  15. Jean says:

    I sure hope tomorrow goes better! But it sounds as if you handle incidents like that very well.

    Your answer came as no surprise. 🙂

    bikehikebabe and tikno,
    Thanks for joining in.

    What a great story. Thanks!

  16. Cathy in NZ says:

    well, Jean I think it must be full moon or something because up until about 15.09 was good! I was sitting minding my own business when I thought maybe I should check my cellphone/time to find a message from my notetaker “are u comin’ to class today?”

    oops that class started at 1500 hrs! I shot off from where I was and bumbled in after the lecture had began, armed with my coffee and snack! Not a good look…had to find my way in semi-darkened room to get a powerpoint printout and then ask a student to let me sit down 🙁

    this is a complete first me at Uni, ‘forgetting the time’ – so not feeling much better today either.

    a short whiles ago I was packing up my bag for tomorrow and thought it was Thursday then looked at what I had in my bag and realised that the notes for the Human/Mind test were in there and that test is on Wednesday & we definitely ain’t done Wednesday this week yet!

    I think some of these problems are the hang-over from the problems with the disabled student of the last few weeks…impacting on my own soul more than I care to admit.
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..whew that went fast…back to the coalface on Monday =-.

  17. bikehikebabe says:

    Cathy in NZ, have you ever had that dream where you are late to class, nobody in the halls, you can’t find your locker to get your books, forgot the combination, remember the final exam is today, you haven’t studied, don’t remember anything???

  18. Jean says:

    Hope springs eternal. Maybe tomorrow! We’re rooting for you.

    I’ve had those dreams…many a time. 🙂

  19. Cathy in NZ says:

    the test was great…I am sure I made a few correct marks!

    BUT before that another thing hit my planet…I suddenly discovered at 11am that the essay was due – not tomorrow but today at 9am 🙁

    I went over to the dept and the office manager took pity on me, maybe she could see I was somewhat upset…”don’t put it in the stage 2 box…no come with me and we will put it directly in the lecturers post box…don’t worry, it will be OK”

    as far as I know the marker/s have it…

    after the test I decided Uni was not a good space from me right now soooooooooo I came home and completed all the paperwork for other things from my computer at home 🙂 hoping to have a better day tomorrow! 🙂 🙂
    .-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..whew that went fast…back to the coalface on Monday =-.

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