
Always remember to be happy because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile.

I can’t say if anyone has ever fallen in love with one of my smiles, but I sure have done it with the smiles of other people…and of dogs. Some of my strongest memories are of friends…especially dogs at the local shelter…smiling. Often those dogs came in frightened and confused and needed tender, loving care before they could start smiling and playing again. How could I not be touched?

Has anyone else ever felt this way?

Thanks to Rummuser, Looney, bikehikebabe, gaelikaa and Ursula for commenting on last week’s post.
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15 Responses to Smiles

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    “If someone doesn’t have a smile, give them one.”

    Isn’t it wonderful how loving a dog can be, no matter what? The big ones almost knock me over with their enthusiasm, but I still like the big ones better.

  2. Looney says:

    I don’t get annoyed easily, but a sincere smile will fix it in an instant.

    The Chinese have a very rich vocabulary for different kinds of smiles that would complicate this discussion greatly!
    .-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.

  3. Jean says:

    I prefer slightly larger dogs, but mainly it depends on the personality rather than the size. The really large ones tend to drool because of the way their cooling systems work.

    I’m a complete sucker for a genuine smile. And I’m glad. 🙂

    I think the Chinese have the right idea.

  4. Ursula says:

    Dogs make humans smile but they themselves don’t smile at all. In fact, there is a lot of melancholy in a dog’s eyes. Breaks my heart at times.

    Which is not the same as saying that they are not capable of great happiness – depending on the owner.


    • Jean says:

      Some dogs look melancholy, some have great smiles. When I worked with dogs at the shelter one thing I focused on was teaching the shy ones to smile. It helped get them adopted.

      I just ordered 97 Ways to Get Your Dog to Smile and it came this very day. You might read it if you still have doubts. It has great pictures. They sure lift my spirits…and make me smile.

  5. Rummuser says:

    Smiles, good cheer and laughter, when absent, will drive me away from the place. I cannot stand grim or sad environments.
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..The Lost Mobile Phone. =-.

  6. Jean says:

    I’m guessing that’s no more strictly true of you than it is of me. I don’t run from sadness if there is something I can do to help. I have learned to steer clear of chronic complainers/victims. Would you say your father fosters an environment of smiles, good cheer and laughter?

  7. tikno says:

    My baby (11 month) always success to makes me smile and raise my spirit by just laugh at me. 🙂
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..Long journey for alcoholic beverage in Indonesia =-.

  8. bikehikebabe says:

    I love that you write in English, tikno. No way do any of us know Malayan. You make the world seem a little smaller.

  9. Jean says:

    Your comments brought back some wonderful memories of my daughter when she was that age. That was about 40 years ago and the memories are still strong. I’m happy for you.

  10. tikno says:

    I felt that I do not using correct English grammar because I’m learning English by the way of autodidact and still using an English-Indonesia dictionary especially if I read an extraneous word.

    Apart from the language differences I do agree that SMILING is the universal language and well accepted by everyone. Lets smile to makes the world smiling.
    Start from me 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I’m happy for you too.

    If I ask to a baby with the question like in the cartoon above, guess what is his reaction?

    I guess he’ll stare at me with a smile while imagining a question : “Do you falling in love with my smile?”
    Yes, I do.
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..Long journey for alcoholic beverage in Indonesia =-.

  11. Rummuser says:

    No Jean he does not. That is the current cross that I bear, but that gets balanced out by the presence of my son Ranjan and my friends and other relatives who regularly keep in touch. I still walk away from grim situations after the minimum expected duty time has been spent when unavoidable.
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Season For Losing Things! =-.

  12. Jean says:

    Yes, it’s the eye contact and the smiles that are communicating that both parties are in love with the other one’s smile and self. That’s what I was trying to show in the above cartoon, the pure love.

    I still remember my daughter’s first smile. I ran and got the camera to take a picture, just in case she never did it again. It’s not a very good picture but I still treasure it. 🙂

    That’s what I figured. Your first answer seemed too simplistic. Sometimes we do have to cope with difficult situations and establishing that balance is the key.

  13. bikehikebabe says:

    A baby’s first smile is gas.

  14. Jean says:

    The one I’m talking about was a real smile. It was a look-you-in-the-eye smile. And was easily repeated if you looked her in the eye and smiled at her. It’s not that hard to tell the difference.

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