I don’t know about you, but dying wouldn’t seem so bad if I could be sure of a welcome like that. 🙂
Do you believe in heaven? If so are pets allowed?
I don’t know about you, but dying wouldn’t seem so bad if I could be sure of a welcome like that. 🙂
Do you believe in heaven? If so are pets allowed?
I believe in heaven but am an agnostic regarding pets. There is something related to this subject here.
.-= Looney´s last blog .. =-.
Thanks for the link, but I think my version is friendlier. 🙂
I would like to believe in a friendly heaven. But I was raised Catholic and we were all sinners and had to suffer in purgatory first. And most of my friends were Protestant and couldn’t go at all. Again, I prefer a friendlier version.
I don’t believe in heaven—well maybe just a tiny bit & that’s because people believe in what they want to believe. And I’d sure love a heaven.
i have no comment on the matter
not because of the questions just…..because….:-)
.-= Cathy in NZ´s last blog ..Classes finished but still 1000s of words to GO! =-.
That’s fine too. I appreciate your coming by anyway. I would have missed you if you hadn’t. 🙂
Jean, I believe in heaven on earth. Fleas or no fleas.
What has always interested me, and no one has yet answered my question: Why do people assume that they will only be reunited with their favourite goldfish, relatives and friends and not with those you wish had never crossed your path on earth?
Yes U, Never thought of that. I guess if you get to go to heaven, you will love everybody.
Well, I am with Dante and have ticked my box. By the way, BHB, have you noticed that both heaven and hell start with an H, as does Himmel und Hoelle? Neither had I until just now.
Might warrant some consideration.

I’ll stick with my purpose in life, to avoid being eaten by a crocodile.
About heaven on earth… the cartoon wasn’t about the afterlife, of course. It was about earthly love. “Happiness is a warm puppy,” I believe the quote goes.
No, I do not believe in either heaven or hell. Both are experienced during our sojourn in our current body/mind/intellect complexes.
.-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Are you punctual? =-.
Do you experience more heaven or hell? How much choice do you think we have in the matter?
Jean, your last question was addressed to Ramana.
How much choice do we have in the matter? Little, I believe. Mostly it’s in the genes, our personality, our upbringing (unless you are Woody Allen who has wasted years of his life trying to get tweaked by lieing on the couch). I come from a most unbelievable parentage who will not be beaten by anything adverse in their paths. However, I have lost a few friends (over the last eighteen months) when my life took the down turn of all down turns. Why? Because I absolutely refused to succumb to my misfortune and because I still smiled when the shit was hitting my fan at extra speed. That’s the way of the world. Uncomprehending. Then unforgiving. I don’t get it, never will. So yes, my experience is that of heaven on earth even when going through hell. For that I do not thank myself but my lucky temperament.
I also thank my stars that I have the fortunate gift of seeing beauty in the smallest thing and for being greatful to be alive, even in hours of darkness.
Does that answer your question?
End of confessional. Will leave a coin in your collection box on my way out.
I am on a path where neither matters. The objective is to achieve a state of equanimity, knowing that everything arises only to pass away. I am not quite there yet though! “Events happen, deeds are done, but there is no individual doer thereof.” – The Buddha
.-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Visitor. =-.
Thanks for answering too. I see things differently than you do. I agree with a psychologist who was way before his time 40 years ago. He decided to understand why some people were so happy. He concluded it was because they valued happiness and chose to be that way. Natural talent helps, but Abraham Lincoln tended to be depressed and still said, “People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” It takes more work for some people than others.
Life does give us plenty of chances to practice, doesn’t it? Part of my daily routine is to look at the Wall Street Journal when I first get up. There’s always something that generates some emotional energy. My practice is to not dwell on it but to use that energy constructively. It keeps me tuned up.
If there is a Heaven, it wouldn’t be Heaven to me without the animals that I have loved.
.-= Florence´s last blog ..Good things in life =-.
Amen to that!
Yes. And I’m sure they are!
I agree. It wouldn’t seem very friendly if they weren’t welcome!