Planning Ahead

This cartoon reminds me of a Thanksgiving Day years ago. A colleague at work saw me at the supermarket. He looked in my cart and the only thing there was a frozen turkey. He shook his head and said, “You don’t believe in planning ahead, do you Jean?”

Actually I’m not as bad as that. We had been invited to have dinner with friends and I wanted to have leftover turkey. So I was buying one to cook later.

In general I hate being rushed, so if there’s something I need to do I try to do it ahead of time.

Expect things to go wrong, they usually take longer than we imagine.

That’s indelibly engraved in my psyche so I try to keep enough free time in my schedule to allow for it. What about you?

Thanks to Looney, Jody, Rummuser, Ursula and gaelikaa for commenting on last week’s post.


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9 Responses to Planning Ahead

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    well things nearly went wrong for me this morning…luckily I recheck the schedule sent by examination office last evening. My exam arrival time was not 8.15am it was 7.45am! If I had gone ahead and caught the 6.55am bus I might have been pushing it…as it was I beat all the traffic and was at Uni by 7.10am giving me some time to grab some breakfast from the Uni cafe!

    now I have little on the schedule as I take a months break (or thereabouts) from classes. The between semesters break. Fingers x-ed that the examiners like my final words 🙂 but I’m not particularily worried which is as it should be.

    i must update livejournal with the new information 🙂

  2. Jody says:

    The more free time I have, the better I’m able to write and create. Even if I’m up at 6, with hours to go before a lunch commitment at 1, my sense of ease and endless possibilities are stifled. I learned long ago that I sure wasn’t a woman who “lunched.”

    Now, drinks, I can handle that!

  3. Looney says:

    **breathing hard** just finished *gasp* running to the express mail office *breathing hard* to overnight paperwork *breathing* *breathing* so my daughter can renew *gasp* the registration for the car in New Mexico. *breathing* Will try to catch up with this later. *wiping sweat from forehead and keyboard*

  4. Jean says:

    I’m glad you checked your schedule! And I’m glad you have a month off. Enjoy!

    Yes, I don’t like having appointments either. I too luxuriate in not having a schedule.

    You’re right, of course. Waiting until the last minute does get our pulse rate up. 🙂

  5. Rummuser says:

    I am exactly like you.

  6. Florence says:

    Engraved on my psyche “It’s going to take longer and cost more than you anticipate…”

  7. Jean says:

    I’m not surprised. 🙂

    I agree with that! I know people who are trying to remodel their house. What a nightmare.

  8. Ursula says:

    I wish you hadn’t asked, Jean. Once I was perfection personified; in the last two years I have been flying by the seat of my pants. Now, entering tunnel with no light in sight, at full speed, I am about to s..t my pants. One day – in the distant future – I’ll find my misplaced self. Wish you lived round the corner to read me the riot act and make me get on with things.

    And yes, I do let people cut into the queue ahead of me if they only have two items on them. Do that five times in a row and you begin to wonder about your mental state and sense of timing.


    • Jean says:

      “And yes, I do let people cut into the queue ahead of me if they only have two items on them. Do that five times in a row and you begin to wonder about your mental state and sense of timing.” I know what you mean. I was always a great listener until I realized I was overdoing it, it was becoming too one-sided and not healthy for either party. One needs to have a sense of balance.

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