My Little Adventure


As I’ve already mentioned, I was very sick with chest pains last Monday morning and went to the emergency room. I knew it wasn’t a heart attack, but I also knew they would have to check for that first. So I was lying on the table and the doctor came in to give me a nitroglycerin tablet to put under my tongue, and to apologize in advance for the headache it would probably give me. It was for diagnostic purposes.

In fact it didn’t give me a headache. Instead my blood pressure fell to 70 over 40, which made me even sicker and got the attention of the nurses. One was frantically trying to attach my IV to some saline solution, and I said I was feeling nauseous. She said something like, “Try to hold the barf until I’m done here.” I thought she meant wait until she was out of the way, and I laughed. I said, “I would like to have something to vomit into.” So another nurse quickly got a plastic basin out of the cupboard and put it on my stomach, which was reassuring, even though I ended up not needing it.

I also told them the pill hadn’t completely dissolved…my mouth was so dry that a good part of it was left. One of the nurses took it out, which we all thought was a good idea.

In the meantime the nurse did get me hooked up to the saline solution which brought my blood pressure back up and we were back to where we started. It didn’t seem so bad any more. As one of the nurses said, “She’s really sensitive to nitroglycerin, isn’t she?” Apparently I was that. Who would have guessed?

Anyway, that was my little adventure this week. What have you been doing for excitement lately?

Thanks to Mike, Ursula, rummuser, Cathy and gaelikaa for commenting on last week’s post.
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12 Responses to My Little Adventure

  1. bikehikebabe says:

    If that was your excitement LOL 🙂 I can laugh but you could have died! My excitement is–let me think– I’m totally bogged down by going through our stuff, trying to eliminate, whilst (word is Ursula influenced) trying to get the housework done, my daily hike, my physical therapy exercises done, etc. etc. etc.

  2. Evan says:

    Life is a bit challenging at the moment. So wanting tranquility rather than excitement.

  3. Jean says:

    It sounds as if your life is full enough to keep you engaged. 🙂

    Hope you don’t have any uninvited adventures! I have to admit, it’s nice to be home again.

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    yesterday, Sunday – I do very little. I didn’t get dressed; I jumped in and out of bed – sometimes doing nothing or reading; I never even when out of the top part of house (downstairs or outside); I did go in and out of a few rooms and I did a few things like moving one thing to floor and back into a box or somewhere else…

    today, Monday I had a big problem with Public Transport but so did A LOT of other people…but I did get to meet M from outside Toronto who is a weaver but her husband here because he is one of the designer of the next Team NZ Americas’ Cup entry (yacht)

    the rest of the week I am supposed to be planning what I intend to do this Sunday when I jump up to the next decade in my personal life span…2 friends already this week, inquiring! What I would like to do is ‘run away’

  5. rummuser says:

    Playing with my new toy, a Kindle.

  6. bikehikebabe says:

    That’s Tom’s new toy too. He’s doing all the classics first. they are FREE.

  7. cathy in NZ says:

    I had unexpected excitment this morning…

    I knew I had a mouse in the house, but I had thought up until this morning it had gone.

    First I discovered it had munched one of my pears in the fruit bowl – it wasn’t holey last evening

    And then when I was talking on the phone, it ran past me and scooted behind a door (into a corner of living room)!

    So a new bowl of tasty mouse food has been placed in an adjacent room and I hope that when I’m out today, we need to imbibe some and then out the way it came in! heavens knows from where…and the doors will be closed!

  8. Jean says:

    My husband and I don’t celebrate birthdays much. Please let us know what you end up doing on yours.

    Good luck on getting rid of the mouse. A long time ago our neighbors had a cat and presumably it brought in a mouse that got away. It came into our apartment through the gaps in the wall where our water pipes comes in.

    Glad you have a Kindle now. I made sure mine was in my backpack when I went to the ER.

  9. Cathy in NZ says:

    The Sunday event is done err planned.

    Emailed a bunch of friends and family to meet me on the front steps of the Auckland Museum @ 1.30pm – then we will proceed inside to the Pictorial Gallery to view a new exhibition titled:

    Mr Jones’ wives: war brides of NZ

    Once we have made comments, meet one another – some of these invitees do not know one another…

    Then we will retire to back area where there is a splendid eatery for whatever you desire…pay your own way 🙂

    Then it will be up to one another what you do next. I am going by Public Transport with my very best friend, Alison so that will be a magic trip because usually she is my chauffeur/car and this time, I’m the ‘chauffeur’ as such…

  10. Jean says:

    I hope you have a great time! Thanks for giving more details.

  11. gaelikaa says:

    Jean, I’m sorry to learn you went through all this. I do hope you are feeling much better now.

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