
   As you sow, so shall ye reap.

Well, not always. About 36 years ago — during the first rainy season after we bought the land — Andy decided to sow some clover to build up the soil on our clearing.

Great plan, right? On paper at least. For the next few weeks we scattered flocks of birds whenever we went up there. Life is full of surprises.

Do most of your plans turn out the way you expected?

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12 Responses to Sowing

  1. Cathy in NZ says:

    Sometimes my plans really work out – but sometimes, they work by taking a side road because it works out better to do that way.

    Currently, I’m designing a “business card” that relates to my making and showing my artwork. I’m up to needing to print out design #6. The hold-up is I need to get some light coloured card because white card doesn’t look all that great…

    I am also working on some finishing processes for a couple of artworks that are going to be in a small art gallery shop which might mean= sales. Having to fiddle around with how people will “display” them when they have taken their purchase home…

    These are the prime plans right now!

    • Jean says:

      When someone asked Carl Jung what the quickest way to a goal was he answered, “The detour. Of that there is no doubt.” That quote has always tickled me. I figure a plan is a device to get me started. What happens next is adventure.

      It sounds as if you’re involved in all sorts of fun, adventurous projects.

  2. Rummuser says:

    Other than planning for trips like buying tickets in advance, I rarely plan for anything. I don’t need to any more. One day telescopes into another and that is perfectly okay with me. “Sitting silently, doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself.”

    • Jean says:

      Once again, I’m so glad things are going well for you now.

    • Jean says:

      I, of course, identify with the grass. At the moment I’ve watching a DVD about it, from the Planet Earth series. A prairie fire just burned out a huge region and the grass is already growing back. Prairie fires don’t burn the soil the way severe forest fires do.

  3. tammyj says:

    i have always loved detours.
    my life has been full of them. some good. some bad.
    the plan to sell my house was the last great plan.
    BOOM. decided to sell. it sold. WOW.
    and in a depressed market too. of course i didn’t try to make a fortune with it.
    that helped. LOL.
    i just wanted out and into my little wren house. and it just happened. like THAT!
    (she snapped her fingers).
    and i couldn’t be happier.
    i’m as snug as a little lady bug in a rug. as long as nobody throws some bug poison around! lol.
    just a lovely picture of little kaitlin with her daddy. up on the mountain.

  4. tammyj says:

    I JUST KNEW that was baby kaitlin reading that magazine! LOL
    i meant to mention it and then forgot to!
    did she grow up to be an imminent physicist too?

    • tammyj says:

      oops. eminent.
      not imminent! LOL. totally different meanings! don’t you just love english.

    • Jean says:

      I didn’t even notice the misspelling. I asked Andy about his eminence. No way. He carefully avoided going up in rank, and was more interested in doing interesting work than in prestige. He was well-respected.

      Kaitlin got her Ph.D. in biopsychology and just finished her MBA while working. She’s a manager in Drug Discovery at a pharmaceutical company.

  5. Evan says:

    My plans rarely turn out as expected.

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